Thursday, February 16, 2006

New Orleans T-Shirts

It sure is good to see somoene blaming someone besides W for all their woes. You have a report that just came out blaming the presidential administration for a huricane. That is just plain stupid. Why not blame the weather... Hello! Here is some New Orleans humor, humor the New Orleans way.


The Poor folks who stayed or at least want people to think they stayed have their own humor. Or is it possible that they are poking fun at idiots who stayed and believe they are entitled to TVs and new shoes because W didnt stop the huricane?


The next two are the ones i like most. They place the blame on the only human beings that should shoulder any of the blame. Ray Nagin who parked the evacuation busses in the lowest lying area of the city, Blanco who refused W's help till a day and a half after the storm was over and lastly... I have no idea who that guy is.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Father Jonathan - Some Things Are Sacred

Father Jonathan - Some Things Are Sacred: "Muslims rightly claim that the cartoonists crossed the line of freedom of speech into blatant disrespect. But burning down embassies also crosses the line of freedom of speech into blatant criminality."

I couldn't have said that better. Can you imagine what will happen when Iran has Nukes and someone makes an offensice cartoon of them?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Left's Chorus Grows for Bush Impeachment - Politics News - Left's Chorus Grows for Bush Impeachment: "'If a president's untruthfulness about sexual relationships is an impeachable offense, then surely spying on American citizens, undermining the Constitution and contravening current standing law are impeachable offenses,' Waters said comparing Bush's alleged crimes to ones former President Clinton was tried for."

This is why the left is finished in this country. They still can't accept the fact that Bill Clinton was impeached for purgery, not for getting a blow job. Bill Clinton used the exact same Presidential Powers to tap phones of domestic calls that had nothing to do with terror or anything illegal he just liked to listen in on his enemies. W is not going to be impeached. The Left is a thing of the past. Someone please tell the corpse he is dead.