Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Kingdom of Frick and Frack

An interesting conversation came up at work this morning. It was about an imaginary kingdom called Frick. I contributed to the coffee room conversation by noting that there could be no Frick without Frack.

Interestingly enough it lead to the old adages about no happy without sad and no good without bad. Me being the thinker that I think I am / want to be / wish I was, I started thinking.

I have tried for years to position myself in life as an observer. Not really involved in anything that I cant evac from at any given time. While that allows observations on the hilarious antics of the people around you and even some touching moments when you see people play well together it is somewhat isolated; and quite honestly, sterile and boring.

The animated tarot image on my profile is of a reading that I did for myself some months back. I chose the Hermit card to represent me in the reading and wow what an outcome. I’m not going into details but I can tell you that the reading really put my smug and aloof lifestyle into glaring perspective. It has been keeping me awake at night ever since.

I guess the jerk who said, “its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all,” may have been right. OK! OK! He was right. If you never risk anything you never gain anything. That’s true in business, life, romance and spirituality.

Here goes the advice that I have such a hard time living up to myself:

Risk something, hell risk it all. Have faith, integrity and above all love for your fellow man. I bet you will win. Life is NOT a destination. It is a journey to be enjoyed all along the way.

Monday, March 12, 2007


My favorite part of life is the optional part. We opt in and opt out of all sorts of things all day every day. The part I hate the very worst is that people can become optional. I hate being optional. I love having options. I just hate being one.