Thursday, February 26, 2015

The problem with liberal guilt

The problem with liberal guilt is that they don't want to own it. They feel bad so they give something away. It's kinda like this. A liberal and a conservative are walking down the street when they see a pitiful homeless guy approaching. The liberal opines about how bad he feels for the guy and the conservative says the homeless guy should, "get a job." Then the liberal has an idea. let's do something for him, you know give him a few bucks. The conservative exclaims that he will just drink it but pulls out a $20 anyway and hands it over. The liberal pulls out his wallet and explains he is low on cash and borrows a $20 to give to the homeless guy. The conservative just walks away with the full understanding that all he did was blow $40 and the liberal walks away feeling like he really did something good. Liberalism as a current ideology requires two things. One is avoiding responsibility and the other is guilt. This guilt is not for the believer but a sack of burdens he can heap on another person at any time to advance any agenda. You keep your baggage and I will keep my $40.