Monday, May 16, 2005

Get Over It!!

There are a few rules in life about human interaction that you always need to keep in mind.

1. Your mood is your choice.
Your life, your mood for the day and your general character are all personal choices. If life deals you a bad hand in the morning and it ruins the rest of your day that is your fault. You have cancer and are gonna die... If that causes you to mope around and be sad for your remaining days that was your choice. Not the cancer but the mood. Life is full of choices; the most important ones are how to react the unexpected and the simple disappointments in a given day.

2. it’s all about you!
Does that sound selfish? If it does you don’t get it! Getting it is very important for your sanity and happiness. When boarding a plane the attendant always says a peculiar thing... If the cabin should loose pressure an oxygen mask will fall from the compartment above. Please place the mask on your self first before assisting children or invalids... Does that sound selfish? Are you mothers saying, “I'll be damned! My child comes first!“ If you say that then you don’t understand and you don’t get it. If you care for a friend or child or other loved one the most important thing you can do in your life is to survive. If you struggle with a frightened or unruly child in that aircraft emergency you will both die. Self maintenance is the most important and unselfish gift you can ever give.

On this same subject, many times we see things happen that we cannot understand and that cannot comprehend how and why hideous things happen. There is a good reason why you don’t understand. It's because by the grace of god you don’t think that way. If you ever understand your mental state may be at risk.

3. Offended people have problems.
Plain and simple. If a person is offended they are the one with the problem. The jerk that did the offending has not been damaged and the person who is offended chose to be so. If a person calls you a racially charged name and your blood pressure rises, you have a problem. The horses ass who said it is an ignorant piece of shit but at that moment you have allowed his stupidity to cause you a problem and it is your choice to be offended or to say to yourself. Man! Whatta dumb ass and walk away.

There are several reasons I posted this. A few of you may know. Of that few some will agree some will not. Of those that don't there may be some that are offended. If so... TOO BAD! That is your choice. I don’t seek to offend and all of this is just my opinion. If you laughed when you read “TOO BAD” then you understand me fairly well. Life is a choice. Every minute of every day you are actively choosing your destiny. Make the right choices.


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