Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gary Hart: Moral Authority - Yahoo! News

Gary Hart: Moral Authority - Yahoo! News: "There are those who earn their moral authority the hard way, by going to jail or, like Cindy Sheehan, by sacricing a loved one. Such people do not merely earn an audience with the president.

Such people deserve an accounting."

This was a very good article and it touched on the real reason that the Democratic Party is falling by the wayside in this country. The real reason is that for the last 12 or 15 years the Dems have become known for never having a point of view and never doing what they promise during campaigns.

Then, Hart has to leap off into total ignorant outer space and mention that disrespectful lady in Texas. She is using taking the grief that should be placed in honoring her son and making a mockery of his death by accusing the President of imposing a sentence on her son that he actually volunteered for. Then, even though her son was a proud volunteer, she demands that President Bush force his children into the same place. I'll wager that her son would NOT approve of her actions.

I'm curious how hard she tried to talk her son out of joining the military. How against war was she before her son's death? If she wasn't anti-war until her son was killed that makes her a selfish and sore loser.

The most sad thing about the whole deal is not her misguided grief but the puppeteers that are pulling her strings. They pull her strings and try their best to make Bush look bad. They don't offer a solution. They don't offer an alternative. They just offer sour grapes and the attitudes of an entire culture of sore losers.

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