Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Paris - Criminals: 'We Hate the Police'

FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Kids: 'We Hate the Police': "'You wear these clothes, with this color skin and you're automatically a target for police,' said Ahmed, 18, pointing to his mates in Izod polo shirts, Nike sneakers and San Antonio Spurs T-shirts."

Does anyone but me see a problem with this scenario? A supposedly poor, unemployed and disenfranchised "youth" in a Paris burb is wearing Izod, Polo, Nike and team logo shirts and he is singled out by the police.

Problem #1. NO poor person can afford those clothes.(period)

Problem #2. If it's the clothes and the gang attire that causes you to be singled out try dressing like you are not a gang memeber. Dress like a gang member = Be treated like a gang member.

He said the rioting has unified various housing projects that previously fought among themselves. The target of their rage is Sarkozy, who angered many in the suburbs by calling neighborhood toughs "scum."
"Before it was a gang warfare between different projects. Sarkozy's given us a common target — the government," said Karim.

The truth has already been told in this article. They were angry, pissed off and violent before Sarkozy told the truth about them, now they have a common goal. France will fire Sarkozy and give them what they want. Who knows what the worthless criminal gangsters will want next.

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