Tuesday, May 02, 2006

USATODAY.com - Iranian commander threatens Israel if U.S. attacks

USATODAY.com - Iranian commander threatens Israel if U.S. attacks

This whole Iran and Israel bit is smoke and mirrors and no one is willing to point it out. There are two countries that Iran hates nearly as much as they hate Israel. Those countries are Iraq and The U.S. Currently the U.S. has nearly 100k troops in Bagdad. I’ll wager you that within one week of Iran having the capability they will nuke the hell out of Bagdad, taking revenge for Iraq kicking their ass in the last few wars and taking out 100k of our finest troops. If they have the capability they will hit Israel at the same time but Bagdad will be their first target.

It will be the world’s largest suicide bombing because we all know what would happen to them if they did that. Israel is very nuclear capable and nothing needs to be said about our abilities here in The U.S.

I hope I am wrong but my instincts tell me I’m right.

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