Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Blind Love

Were I without eyes to see you?
You'd still be the most beautiful thing I know.
Without hands to touch you,Id still caress your body so.
Without legs to carry me,
Id still come to you each night,

And if I had to arms to hold you,
My heart would hold you tight.

If my heart were to burst,
My love would carry you through.

And if I cannot be with you tonight,
Your soul will always tell you
My love is always true.

June 13th 1992

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pat M. Holt, Idiot or Liar?

Press disclosures help more than hurt - Yahoo! News: "The more important of the two stories that caused this hullabaloo is the one about the NSA, because it exposes government wrongdoing. It has been, and continues, wiretapping American citizens without judicial warrants..."

Why does the media, specifically Pat Holt, continue to lie about this program? There is NO "wrongdoing." None! Nada! There is nothing illegal about the NSA program. It was not done in secret either. Congressmen on both sides of the aisle were briefed.


For the last time...

The only time they listen to US Citizens is when they are talking to known terrorists and their associates. You have no right to privacy when you are communicating with organizations that we are at war with. Our constitution does not protect your right to wage war on The US.

The "freedom of the press" in our Bill of Rights does not protect NYT from charges of treason either.

I have a question for Pat M. Holt. Are you a bald faced liar or are you so dense that you can't read and listen to the twenty times that this issue has been answered? Either way you hate W more than you love this country. You hate Republicans more than you love the truth and you should be ashamed.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dictionary.com, NYT = Sedition, Treason

Dictionary.com/Word of the Day Archive/sedition:

sedition \sih-DISH-un\, noun:
Conduct or language inciting resistance to or rebellion against lawful authority.

trea·son ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trzn)n.
Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
A betrayal of trust or confidence.

Sedition, Treason, New York Times!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Enough of the roadblocks

A friend of mine wrote the piece below. I just wonder what Mr Hargrove is thinking. Possessing fireworks gets you a ticket last I heard. Not arrested. Why would you tow someone's car over this? Do you tow their car when they have no insurance or write them a ticket? Just a curiosity.

Another thing. What about interstate commerce laws? I think a half way decent lawyer would shred this in court. That is if anyone wanted to make a scene of it.I'm not sure what Mr Hargrove is up to. Maybe he hates the Mayor who appointed him and wants to make sure that he is never elected again.

If Hargrove continues the unconstitutional practice of roadblocks and opening his mouth without thinking it through he will wind up with the permanent ire of most of Mobile's tax payers who are also the voters.That would mean that the people who voted for the guy who appointed him might not repeat their vote next time.

Mayor Jones please either educate or remove this embarrassment to our fair city.

(Tyler's Article)
HARGROVE: POSSESSION OF FIREWORKS ILLEGAL Body: Asked what would happen if a pseron had legally purchased fireworks in Mobile or Baldwin counties and was just passing through the city on his or her way to shoot the fireworks in a legal area where they were stopped at a roadblock, Hargrove said: "If we find fireworks in the car, the car could be towed and the person could be arrested because it violates city ordinances.

"I read this in the newspaper Sat A.M. Basically fireworks are illegal in the city, even possession. It IS by the way legal out in the county outside of the city limits. (Such as my house)

Condi and W for Dinner

It is very interesting to me that in all these polls taken every day that W is a boil on the ass of the republican party but he finishes in a tie with the best politician ever and one of America's favorite male actors as a favored dinner guest. He was bested by Jay Leno who can be fairly proclaimed as the most entertaining one man show anywhere.

Then on the subject of women we have Condi Rice leading the pack over all. She was only a few points ahead of media darling Oprah Winfrey but smashed the angry and unpredicatable Hillary Clinton as well as North America's hottest vixen Angelina Jolie.

(begin NewMax Article)

A Beta Research Corp. survey commissioned by Esquire magazine offered 1,083 American men over age 25 a list of 14 women and 14 men and asked to pick three of each as their most preferred dinner guests.

The results: 35 percent chose Rice, 33 percent named Oprah Winfrey, 30 percent selected Jolie, and 21 percent chose Sen. Hillary Clinton. The Washington, D.C.-based publication The Hill reported the results.

Jay Leno led all men. The “Tonight Show” host was chosen by 37 percent, narrowly beating out President George Bush, who at 36 percent was tied for second with Bill Clinton and George Clooney.

(end NewMax Article)