Friday, July 07, 2006

Pat M. Holt, Idiot or Liar?

Press disclosures help more than hurt - Yahoo! News: "The more important of the two stories that caused this hullabaloo is the one about the NSA, because it exposes government wrongdoing. It has been, and continues, wiretapping American citizens without judicial warrants..."

Why does the media, specifically Pat Holt, continue to lie about this program? There is NO "wrongdoing." None! Nada! There is nothing illegal about the NSA program. It was not done in secret either. Congressmen on both sides of the aisle were briefed.


For the last time...

The only time they listen to US Citizens is when they are talking to known terrorists and their associates. You have no right to privacy when you are communicating with organizations that we are at war with. Our constitution does not protect your right to wage war on The US.

The "freedom of the press" in our Bill of Rights does not protect NYT from charges of treason either.

I have a question for Pat M. Holt. Are you a bald faced liar or are you so dense that you can't read and listen to the twenty times that this issue has been answered? Either way you hate W more than you love this country. You hate Republicans more than you love the truth and you should be ashamed.


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