Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
The next 5 (the middle class) would pay what they could afford.
The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (Joe the rich plumber) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the McCain the bartender threw them a curve.
"Since you are all such good customers," he said,"'I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20."
Drinks for the ten now cost just $80. How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share?
Having just watched the presidential debate they said lets "Spread the Wealth Around" like Obama said. They realized that $20 divided by ten is $2.00. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the first five men would each end up being paid to drink beer.
The first five liked this idea and voted to get this free handout. They could still sleep off their hangover the next morning instead of going to work, because they will get paid to go out partying the next night.
But, McCain the bartender suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same percent. He proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:
The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28% savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (only a 16% savings).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.
"I only got a dollar out of the $20," declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, "But he got $10!"
"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I got!"
"That's true!" shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!"
Yeah, like Obama said, "It’s not that we want to punish Joe the Plumber for his success, but we want to help the guys behind him"
"That’s right!"' yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"
The nine men surrounded Joe the Plumber and beat him up. The next night Joe didn't show up for drin ks so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works.
The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wright Sabotages Obama. The Cannibals Win!
I posted the blog below some time ago, just after Hurricane Katrina. I sat in utter and complete amazement yesterday as newscasters pontificated on why Jeremiah Wright wont shut the hell up and stop trying to destroy Barak Obama's presidential campaign.
I think the answer is simple. Wright was important in his church. Obama jumped line and became more important. It is unacceptable to the cannibalistic black leaders in this country for a black man to become president. Unacceptable for two reasons.
Reason One:
The last thing Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, and now I will add Wright to the list, ever want to see happen is a black man become president. It would signal an end to their cash cow which is the poverty and hopelessness of their own people.
Reason Two:
... and by far the most important reason!
It is not Jacson, Sharpton, Farrakhan or Wright who is taking the job.
Read the blog below to see why Wright is sabotaging Obama.
Racism is a sickening phenomenon. What’s worse than that is cannibalism. Eating your own is somehow more disgraceful than others eating those like you who are different from you.
On TV we see it all the time. This lion goes chasing some antlered animal, catches it and starts eating it. The word victim comes to mind for the hoofed quarry but you never really despise the lion for what she does.
How would you feel though if you saw one antelope turn and trip another so the lion could catch him? Or better yet the antelope just kills his cousin and starts chowing down. Something about that just isn’t right. You can feel it, maybe not totally understand what you feel but its wrong.
When men like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan suggest that the people of New Orleans were ignored because they were black it makes me want to puke. Rather than try to help their own they feed on them daily. The division between black and white Americans is doing far more harm to the minorities than to the majority.
What is worse than all this is the cost. Look at the coast of Mississippi. It was hit five times as hard as New Orleans. The damage is exponentially worse from Pass Christian to Bay St Louis than it is anywhere in New Orleans. You can’t even tell where the buildings were in Mississippi for a sixty mile stretch. Five entire cities were wiped off the map and no one even seems to care. And… ahem! Excuse me Mr. Sharpton/Jackson/Farrakhan; there were black people there too. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic and on and on. Don’t you dare tell me about poor people in New Orleans! Mississippi is the poorest state in the country. Funny, they didn’t have much of a looting problem in Mississippi either. Curious? I wonder why not. Could it be that before the storm the coastal Mississippi residents weren’t sitting around waiting on a handout so they didn’t really expect one when the storm was over. Could it be that there is virtue in being employed and self reliant? Could it be that the welfare system in this country is what has created the crime rate and racial tension that still lingers?
Could it be that when you feed clothe and house a man asking nothing in return that you actually take away his dignity and self respect. Is it our system that has destroyed minorities in this country? No one is helped out of poverty by welfare. They are driven deeper into it.
White men are not the enemy of minorities in this country. Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton are your enemies. They love money more than they do their own race. They would trip their brothers and see them eaten up by an unforgiving world rather than give up their gravy train that is fueled by the hopelessness and despair of generations of their own people. The men who offer you a carrot not to go out and get a job, offer you a dollar to have another child you can’t hope to feed these are your enemies.
I think the answer is simple. Wright was important in his church. Obama jumped line and became more important. It is unacceptable to the cannibalistic black leaders in this country for a black man to become president. Unacceptable for two reasons.
Reason One:
The last thing Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, and now I will add Wright to the list, ever want to see happen is a black man become president. It would signal an end to their cash cow which is the poverty and hopelessness of their own people.
Reason Two:
... and by far the most important reason!
It is not Jacson, Sharpton, Farrakhan or Wright who is taking the job.
Read the blog below to see why Wright is sabotaging Obama.
Racism is a sickening phenomenon. What’s worse than that is cannibalism. Eating your own is somehow more disgraceful than others eating those like you who are different from you.
On TV we see it all the time. This lion goes chasing some antlered animal, catches it and starts eating it. The word victim comes to mind for the hoofed quarry but you never really despise the lion for what she does.
How would you feel though if you saw one antelope turn and trip another so the lion could catch him? Or better yet the antelope just kills his cousin and starts chowing down. Something about that just isn’t right. You can feel it, maybe not totally understand what you feel but its wrong.
When men like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan suggest that the people of New Orleans were ignored because they were black it makes me want to puke. Rather than try to help their own they feed on them daily. The division between black and white Americans is doing far more harm to the minorities than to the majority.
What is worse than all this is the cost. Look at the coast of Mississippi. It was hit five times as hard as New Orleans. The damage is exponentially worse from Pass Christian to Bay St Louis than it is anywhere in New Orleans. You can’t even tell where the buildings were in Mississippi for a sixty mile stretch. Five entire cities were wiped off the map and no one even seems to care. And… ahem! Excuse me Mr. Sharpton/Jackson/Farrakhan; there were black people there too. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic and on and on. Don’t you dare tell me about poor people in New Orleans! Mississippi is the poorest state in the country. Funny, they didn’t have much of a looting problem in Mississippi either. Curious? I wonder why not. Could it be that before the storm the coastal Mississippi residents weren’t sitting around waiting on a handout so they didn’t really expect one when the storm was over. Could it be that there is virtue in being employed and self reliant? Could it be that the welfare system in this country is what has created the crime rate and racial tension that still lingers?
Could it be that when you feed clothe and house a man asking nothing in return that you actually take away his dignity and self respect. Is it our system that has destroyed minorities in this country? No one is helped out of poverty by welfare. They are driven deeper into it.
White men are not the enemy of minorities in this country. Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton are your enemies. They love money more than they do their own race. They would trip their brothers and see them eaten up by an unforgiving world rather than give up their gravy train that is fueled by the hopelessness and despair of generations of their own people. The men who offer you a carrot not to go out and get a job, offer you a dollar to have another child you can’t hope to feed these are your enemies.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Naked Mirror test
Tony’s naked relationship analysis tool is very simple. However; before you use it remember one thing... Even knowing about this tool may cause you to end harmful relationships that you never would have ended before. This simple analysis can cause you to see things in a clear way and cause you to loose sleep.
Another name for it is the Naked Mirror Test. Here is how it works. Picture yourself in a mirror. You are stripped completely naked. Not just physically but psychologically as well. None of the lies you tell yourself about yourself are here in this picture. Take a good look. Turn yourself around and then inside out and see yourself, completely.
Now make an evaluation. Evaluate your body, mind and spirit. In this condition if there are things you do not like you owe it to, even if, no one other than yourself to change them. You absolutely cannot use anything that someone has said to you or any outside pressures to make this evaluation. It must be all from you and about you.
Here comes the relationship part. Now, just like you are in that mirror place the friend or relationship that you are pondering right next to you in the mirror. Strip them of their shells just like you did yourself and look at the two of you in the mirror. Now ask yourself one simple question. Stop reading right now if you don’t want to live with this the rest of your life.
With them in the picture, do you feel better or do you feel worse about yourself. If the answer is worse you have no choice but to extricate, no matter how painful it is, them from your life. If the answer is better then examine it and work on fine tuning the good parts of that relationship.
I lost what I thought was a very good friend that I had had for years using this tool. Harmful relationships are just that. Harmful. Surround yourself with people who invigorate and inspire you, not those who tear you down.
Careful looking into that mirror.
Tony Hines,
March 26th 2008
Another name for it is the Naked Mirror Test. Here is how it works. Picture yourself in a mirror. You are stripped completely naked. Not just physically but psychologically as well. None of the lies you tell yourself about yourself are here in this picture. Take a good look. Turn yourself around and then inside out and see yourself, completely.
Now make an evaluation. Evaluate your body, mind and spirit. In this condition if there are things you do not like you owe it to, even if, no one other than yourself to change them. You absolutely cannot use anything that someone has said to you or any outside pressures to make this evaluation. It must be all from you and about you.
Here comes the relationship part. Now, just like you are in that mirror place the friend or relationship that you are pondering right next to you in the mirror. Strip them of their shells just like you did yourself and look at the two of you in the mirror. Now ask yourself one simple question. Stop reading right now if you don’t want to live with this the rest of your life.
With them in the picture, do you feel better or do you feel worse about yourself. If the answer is worse you have no choice but to extricate, no matter how painful it is, them from your life. If the answer is better then examine it and work on fine tuning the good parts of that relationship.
I lost what I thought was a very good friend that I had had for years using this tool. Harmful relationships are just that. Harmful. Surround yourself with people who invigorate and inspire you, not those who tear you down.
Careful looking into that mirror.
Tony Hines,
March 26th 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Northrop Grumman EADs Tanker Award
The recent award of a tanker contract to Northrop Grumman/EADs has everyone up in arms. Everyone that is, but the people on The Gulf Coast. The Gulf Coast and specifically Alabama is, as I recall, still a part of the USA. We are not French, Mexican or Canadian. Alabama is also a state of The United States variety.
The same people going nuts over a south eastern state receiving this contract award are not complaining about all the US jobs that Walmart costs The US every year. Somewhere between the high 70s and about 90% of all the goods in Walmart are made in China. By the way that is Communist China. If that tanker is made in Mobile, Alabama it will be 100% US Citizens working on it. Not Chinese, Mexican, South or Central Americans or even Canadiens. By the way Canadiens are very near and dear to my heart so please don’t take offense. And... Mexico is one of my very favorite places.
Look at it like this. I just bought a Toyota Tundra. The one with the big V8. I was chided by my local friends because it’s a “foreign” truck. Then I walked my Ford and GM buddies out to their trucks and showed them where they were assembled in Canada and South America. Then I walked them over to my Toyota and showed them where it was assembled in Indiana. By the way, that’s not India, it’s Indiana as in Indiana, good ole USA. To add insult to their fractured egos then I showed them the big blue and yellow sticker that was on the window when I bought it that says “Built with Pride, United Auto Workers Union.” Who’s driving a foreign truck?
This is the same scenario. Northrop = US company, EADs = French company... Tankers built in Mobile, ALabama = 100% American made by US Citizens. Someone needs to drop the political rhetoric and tell the truth. This is not a hard concept. USAF tankers built in Mobile, Alabama will be Made With Pride, In The United States of America.
As a side note. The Gulf Coast was hit two years in a row by the most destructive hurricanes in US history and they still have a ways to go for recovery. The entire Gulf Coast region and the South Eastern US profits from this tanker contract award. We are not French or foreigners at all. We’re your neighbors from The South so act right.
Lastly I want to give a very short history lesson. In reverse chronology told by the rhetoric of good old boys everywhere. It is a common phrase where Americans say, when frustrated with the gross liberalism of France, “They’d all be speaking German if it wasn’t for us.” That may be true. A little further back in time reveals a lesson we all seem to forget. The US would most likely still be a British Colony if the French Fleet hadn’t bottled up Cornwallis during The Revolutionary War.
The same people going nuts over a south eastern state receiving this contract award are not complaining about all the US jobs that Walmart costs The US every year. Somewhere between the high 70s and about 90% of all the goods in Walmart are made in China. By the way that is Communist China. If that tanker is made in Mobile, Alabama it will be 100% US Citizens working on it. Not Chinese, Mexican, South or Central Americans or even Canadiens. By the way Canadiens are very near and dear to my heart so please don’t take offense. And... Mexico is one of my very favorite places.
Look at it like this. I just bought a Toyota Tundra. The one with the big V8. I was chided by my local friends because it’s a “foreign” truck. Then I walked my Ford and GM buddies out to their trucks and showed them where they were assembled in Canada and South America. Then I walked them over to my Toyota and showed them where it was assembled in Indiana. By the way, that’s not India, it’s Indiana as in Indiana, good ole USA. To add insult to their fractured egos then I showed them the big blue and yellow sticker that was on the window when I bought it that says “Built with Pride, United Auto Workers Union.” Who’s driving a foreign truck?
This is the same scenario. Northrop = US company, EADs = French company... Tankers built in Mobile, ALabama = 100% American made by US Citizens. Someone needs to drop the political rhetoric and tell the truth. This is not a hard concept. USAF tankers built in Mobile, Alabama will be Made With Pride, In The United States of America.
As a side note. The Gulf Coast was hit two years in a row by the most destructive hurricanes in US history and they still have a ways to go for recovery. The entire Gulf Coast region and the South Eastern US profits from this tanker contract award. We are not French or foreigners at all. We’re your neighbors from The South so act right.
Lastly I want to give a very short history lesson. In reverse chronology told by the rhetoric of good old boys everywhere. It is a common phrase where Americans say, when frustrated with the gross liberalism of France, “They’d all be speaking German if it wasn’t for us.” That may be true. A little further back in time reveals a lesson we all seem to forget. The US would most likely still be a British Colony if the French Fleet hadn’t bottled up Cornwallis during The Revolutionary War.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I find these primary results very interesting. I hope Mitt Romney is the Republican candidate and this primary seems to have set him a bit our front.
The interesting this is the Hillary Clinton vote. With only her to choose from along with Dennis Kucinich she has 55% which on the surface looks great. But... 40% appear to want anyone but Hillary. Early prediction is this. Mitt Romney will either take the Governor of Alabama or South Carolina as a running mate and he will win the presidential election by a landslide.
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