Friday, May 15, 2015

Dogs are great role models

Dogs are great role models. They really just wanna hang out with you, almost any time. I can walk through the house and ask if anyone wants to go to the store and it's a fifty-fifty crap shoot if any humans will go with me and even then it's mostly so I will buy them something. Once the dog hears the word "go" she doesn't even care where, she is up and at the door. She would rather ride in the truck but she will walk with you too, either way. If I could take the boat to the store she would be in heaven. She doesn't care if I buy her anything or not. She just wants to be your constant companion.

Sometimes you tell people things and they kinda judge you on it and even hold it against you and even tell other people even though they swore they wouldn't. Dogs never tell your secrets. They never judge you either. They don't care what color you are, if you are tall, short, skinny or fat they just want to be with you.

Both of my dogs are black. I have never seen them get upset because the neighbors dog is white and he seems to dig them too. Completely non-judgmental. My neighbor on the other side has dogs of every shape and size and color. Some of them are rescues and so are my two dogs. I've never seen any of them make fun of each other and never seen the ones who are purebred look down on the rescue dogs. They just run up and down the fence and bark each other into exhaustion.

I think about their character, loyalty and energy and I am humbled. I pride myself on matters of integrity and loyalty but I believe I would be a miserable failure upside my dogs. They are not pure bred, the idea that I even know that shows that I have prejudices. They are not expensive or flashy and noticing that tells me I am materialistic and I scold them at times just because they love me so much that they want to lick my face. I need to relax a bit. 

I love my dogs and I respect them so much. I pray that one day I can be so loyal and honorable as either of them. We should all strive to emulate our finest friends. Not he butt sniffing in public part but the rest of it. Give your dog a hug and a good massage and tell him you love him because they are the best of us and while you may or may not be able to teach them a new trick, we can all learn a lot from an old dog.

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