Thursday, November 10, 2016

I am a Veteran

I am a Veteran.

I have been told for the last eight years that I was illegitimate.  That everything I have was ill-gotten gains and that it was stolen from others.  I have been called the enemy, a terrorist and a bitter clinger clinging to God and guns as if that was a bad thing to do.

These were not perceptions that I gleaned from things I thought I heard imbedded in dog whistles and innuendo that is what the President of the United States said about me, my heritage, culture and belief systems.

I am not and was not bitter.  I do cling to the traditions and freedoms afforded me by my creator and guaranteed to me by my guns.  I was the enemy of those who wanted to take my freedom and my private property to include the fruits of my labor and my income.  I am still your enemy of you think you are going to steal from me.

I am not a terrorist and as I sit and watch people too lazy to vote out looting and rioting because their candidate didn’t win I kind of think they are terrorists.  I will treat you as such.  If you try to burn my stuff you will see true terror. 

We working class people are fed up with being derided for being privileged while we work 60 hours a week and a person who hasn’t worked a day in their life has the same lifestyle we do because they confiscate our earnings and redistribute them to the unworthy and ungrateful.  I don’t hate you because you are feckless and weak but you still can’t have my stuff.

You chicken shit little snowflakes need to crawl back to your mother’s basement and masturbate over those participation trophies you were cursed with as children because out here in the real world there are none of those.  It is blood sweat and tears full of busted knuckles, disappointment and grief. 

We working class people are Orwell’s rough men.  We trade that work ethic for the most rewarding and epic happiness that a man can achieve and that is communion with our God and security and fellowship with our families and friends.

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