- Politics - Senator Demands Apology for Bennett Remarks: "WASHINGTON Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (search) and other Democrats on Thursday demanded that former Education Secretary William Bennett (search) apologize for remarks on his radio program linking the crime rate and the abortion of black babies. "
Why should he apologize for telling the truth. Number one, what he said was taken totally out of its context and number two it was true. It was coarse, gut wrenching and horrible, but it was true.
It is a sad day when it has become more important to be PC than it is to be honest. We have the Clinton years to thank for that in part but this has been going on for a long time. How many people out there remember when Jimmy The Greek lost his job for telling the truth about black athletes? What he said made people a bit uncomfortable but it was absolutely the truth. So... He was fired for it.
By the way. What the hell is an "African" American? Do I get to be called a "Creek/German" American. No I don't. Guess why? Because no one is trying to politicize the difference in Creek, German and American. We label things so we can dissect the differences in them and otherwise similar things. Same with people. As long as people want to be "special class" Americans instead of us all being "just" Americans we will have rifts.
In science animals that can produce fertile offspring are considered the same species. Last I checked black, white, brown, red, yellow and several shades between can all create fertile offspring. NEWS FLASH!!! That means we are all members of the Human Race. The same race. We need to drop the race schtick and concentrate on our common interests and goals not our differences.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
U.S. Insists on Keeping Control of Web
U.S. Insists on Keeping Control of Web: "U.S. Insists on Keeping Control of Web
The Associated Press
Thursday, September 29, 2005; 10:35 AM
GENEVA -- A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.S. intentions to keep its historical role as the medium's principal overseer.
'We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet,' said Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department. 'Some countries want that. We think that's unacceptable.'
Many countries, particularly developing ones, have become increasingly concerned about the U.S. control, which stems from the country's role in creating the Internet as a Pentagon project and funding much of its early development."
I know i sound like a nationalist pig but the Untited States is the only reason the internet exists. The US military started it, funded it and designed it with some help from universities like Stamford and a few others. NO! Al Gore had not a damned thing to do with it. Just like many other programs the world likes it and now they want to take it over. I think that they can buy it from us if they want to. Otherwise sorry, no giving away the internet.
The Associated Press
Thursday, September 29, 2005; 10:35 AM
GENEVA -- A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.S. intentions to keep its historical role as the medium's principal overseer.
'We will not agree to the U.N. taking over the management of the Internet,' said Ambassador David Gross, the U.S. coordinator for international communications and information policy at the State Department. 'Some countries want that. We think that's unacceptable.'
Many countries, particularly developing ones, have become increasingly concerned about the U.S. control, which stems from the country's role in creating the Internet as a Pentagon project and funding much of its early development."
I know i sound like a nationalist pig but the Untited States is the only reason the internet exists. The US military started it, funded it and designed it with some help from universities like Stamford and a few others. NO! Al Gore had not a damned thing to do with it. Just like many other programs the world likes it and now they want to take it over. I think that they can buy it from us if they want to. Otherwise sorry, no giving away the internet.
The Radiant Mrs. Bush
How can a person possibly dislike Laura Bush? Her winning smile and warm demeanor is such a welcomed contrast to her predecessor. When the press hounded President Clinton, Hillary Clinton looked like a rabid dog biting and snapping at any and everything that raised its head. In total reverse you see the warm and inviting Laura Bush with her calm and pleasant personality.
She is also a very attractive woman. I happen to believe that women are there very best at about 50 years old. With a radiant smile and a warm heart she has refused to be daunted by the relentless abuse that her husband has been subjected to and she just keeps on going.
Thanks First Lady Bush. Thanks for your smile, your demeanor and thank you so much for the contrast.
She is also a very attractive woman. I happen to believe that women are there very best at about 50 years old. With a radiant smile and a warm heart she has refused to be daunted by the relentless abuse that her husband has been subjected to and she just keeps on going.
Thanks First Lady Bush. Thanks for your smile, your demeanor and thank you so much for the contrast.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Mouse grounds plane for 13 hours - Sep 28, 2005 - Mouse grounds plane for13 hours - Sep 28, 2005: "MANILA, Philippines (Reuters) -- A mouse upset the best-laid plans of an airline and nearly 250 passengers in the Philippines, grounding a plane for 13 hours while engineers tried to smoke out the rodent.
The plane was preparing for take-off from Manila airport earlier this week when a crew member spotted the mouse scampering across an aisle in the economy class section, the Philippine Daily Inquirer quoted airport officials as saying.
The captain ordered the passengers to disembark while maintenance staff fumigated the aircraft and laid traps, but the mouse was nowhere to be found.
The Doha-bound aircraft eventually took off 13 hours late, presumably with the mouse still on board, dead or alive.
'There was an incident before with a cockroach, but it's the first time that we had to deal with a mouse,' the Inquirer quoted airport operations chief Octavio Lina as saying. "
I can tell you for sure that this mouse was under the influence of Muslim Extremists in The Philippines. He was trained by Al'Quaida Mindinao forces. He was planning to eat thru the fuel lines during flight and blow the airplane up.
He found some illegally smuggled cheese in the baggage compartment and became distracted eating. After that the lazy terrorist decided to take a nap. As far as we know now he is being interviewed by the Democratic National Convention to replace Nader as their head terrorist rat.
The previously mentioned cockroach is serving as Governor of Louisiana and is still undetected by the media.
The plane was preparing for take-off from Manila airport earlier this week when a crew member spotted the mouse scampering across an aisle in the economy class section, the Philippine Daily Inquirer quoted airport officials as saying.
The captain ordered the passengers to disembark while maintenance staff fumigated the aircraft and laid traps, but the mouse was nowhere to be found.
The Doha-bound aircraft eventually took off 13 hours late, presumably with the mouse still on board, dead or alive.
'There was an incident before with a cockroach, but it's the first time that we had to deal with a mouse,' the Inquirer quoted airport operations chief Octavio Lina as saying. "
I can tell you for sure that this mouse was under the influence of Muslim Extremists in The Philippines. He was trained by Al'Quaida Mindinao forces. He was planning to eat thru the fuel lines during flight and blow the airplane up.
He found some illegally smuggled cheese in the baggage compartment and became distracted eating. After that the lazy terrorist decided to take a nap. As far as we know now he is being interviewed by the Democratic National Convention to replace Nader as their head terrorist rat.
The previously mentioned cockroach is serving as Governor of Louisiana and is still undetected by the media.
Andy Rooney is Very Close to Being Right

I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things Like the United Caucasian College Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens...Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door.
Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.
I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, that is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING MARTHA BURKE?
I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.
I have the right "NOT" to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or tick me off.
When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling, it is the Law of Probability.
I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hotel room, you must do it in English! As a matter of fact, if you want to be an American citizen, you should have to speak English!
My father and grandfather didn't die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come over and disrespect ours. I think the police should have every right to shoot your sorry behind if you threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word "freeze" or "stop" in English, see the above lines.
I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you are qualified for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store, or any other business.
We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they could come over here and tell us our constitution is a living document; and open to their interpretations.
I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and television. That doesn't stop you from watching them.
I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that's better, and put your name on the building.
It doesn't take a whole village to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid; and smack their little behinds when necessary, and say "NO!"
I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don't pretend they are a political statement. And, please, stay home until that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries!
I am sick of "Political Correctness." I know a lot of black people, and not a single one of them was born in Africa; so how can they be "African-Americans"? Besides, Africa is a continent. I don't go
around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was from Europe. I am proud to be from America and nowhere else
And if you don't like my point of view, tough...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Liberals Feed on Each Other... Mayor slams Blanco
Mayor slams Blanco for stalling-Nation/Politics-The Washington
"Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco has been critical of the Bush administration's response to the disastrous aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but, according to the mayor of New Orleans, her indecision when President Bush offered help delayed rescue efforts and cost lives. "
OpinionJournal - Extra: "The federal government does not have the authority to intervene in a state emergency without the request of a governor. President Bush declared an emergency prior to Katrina hitting New Orleans, so the only action needed for federal assistance was for Gov. Blanco to request the specific type of assistance she needed. She failed to send a timely request for specific aid. In addition, unlike the governors of New York, Oklahoma and California in past disasters, Gov. Blanco failed to take charge of the situation and ensure that the state emergency operation facility was in constant contact with Mayor Nagin and FEMA. It is likely that thousands of people died because of the failure of Gov. Blanco to implement the state plan, which mentions the possible need to evacuate up to one million people. The plan clearly gives the governor the authority for declaring an emergency, sending in state resources to the disaster area and requesting necessary federal assistance."
"Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco has been critical of the Bush administration's response to the disastrous aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but, according to the mayor of New Orleans, her indecision when President Bush offered help delayed rescue efforts and cost lives. "
OpinionJournal - Extra: "The federal government does not have the authority to intervene in a state emergency without the request of a governor. President Bush declared an emergency prior to Katrina hitting New Orleans, so the only action needed for federal assistance was for Gov. Blanco to request the specific type of assistance she needed. She failed to send a timely request for specific aid. In addition, unlike the governors of New York, Oklahoma and California in past disasters, Gov. Blanco failed to take charge of the situation and ensure that the state emergency operation facility was in constant contact with Mayor Nagin and FEMA. It is likely that thousands of people died because of the failure of Gov. Blanco to implement the state plan, which mentions the possible need to evacuate up to one million people. The plan clearly gives the governor the authority for declaring an emergency, sending in state resources to the disaster area and requesting necessary federal assistance."
Monday, September 26, 2005
Hillary... Ethics? You gotta be kidding!
Judicial Watch: "According to the evidence compiled by Judicial Watch in the last ten years, Hillary Clinton is among the most corrupt politicians in our nation�s history. She devised a scheme to sell taxpayer financed trade missions to Communist China in exchange for campaign contributions. She presided over the theft of the private FBI files of former Reagan and Bush staffers. She led the campaign to slander the women sexually and otherwise abused by President Clinton, and has lied time and time again to investigators, to her colleagues, to the press and to the American people."
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
... Where the deer and the antelope... Eat their own
Racism is a sickening phenomenon. What’s worse than that is cannibalism. Eating your own is somehow more disgraceful than others eating those like you who are different from you.
On TV we see it all the time. This lion goes chasing some antlered animal, catches it and starts eating it. The word victim comes to mind for the hoofed quarry but you never really despise the lion for what she does.
How would you feel though if you saw one antelope turn and trip another so the lion could catch him? Or better yet the antelope just kills his cousin and starts chowing down. Something about that just isn’t right. You can feel it, maybe not totally understand what you feel but its wrong.
When men like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan suggest that the people of New Orleans were ignored because they were black it makes me want to puke. Rather than try to help their own they feed on them daily. The division between black and white Americans is doing far more harm to the minorities than to the majority.
What is worse than all this is the cost. Look at the coast of Mississippi. It was hit five times as hard as New Orleans. The damage is exponentially worse from Pass Christian to Bay St Louis than it is anywhere in New Orleans. You can’t even tell where the buildings were in Mississippi for a sixty mile stretch. Five entire cities were wiped off the map and no one even seems to care. And… ahem! Excuse me Mr. Sharpton/Jackson/Farrakhan; there were black people there too. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic and on and on. Don’t you dare tell me about poor people in New Orleans! Mississippi is the poorest state in the country. Funny, they didn’t have much of a looting problem in Mississippi either. Curious? I wonder why not. Could it be that before the storm the coastal Mississippi residents weren’t sitting around waiting on a handout so they didn’t really expect one when the storm was over. Could it be that there is virtue in being employed and self reliant? Could it be that the welfare system in this country is what has created the crime rate and racial tension that still lingers?
Could it be that when you feed clothe and house a man asking nothing in return that you actually take away his dignity and self respect. Is it our system that has destroyed minorities in this country? No one is helped out of poverty by welfare. They are driven deeper into it.
White men are not the enemy of minorities in this country. Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton are your enemies. They love money more than they do their own race. They would trip their brothers and see them eaten up by an unforgiving world rather than give up their gravy train that is fueled by the hopelessness and despair of generations of their own people. The men who offer you a carrot not to go out and get a job, offer you a dollar to have another child you can’t hope to feed these are your enemies.
On TV we see it all the time. This lion goes chasing some antlered animal, catches it and starts eating it. The word victim comes to mind for the hoofed quarry but you never really despise the lion for what she does.
How would you feel though if you saw one antelope turn and trip another so the lion could catch him? Or better yet the antelope just kills his cousin and starts chowing down. Something about that just isn’t right. You can feel it, maybe not totally understand what you feel but its wrong.
When men like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan suggest that the people of New Orleans were ignored because they were black it makes me want to puke. Rather than try to help their own they feed on them daily. The division between black and white Americans is doing far more harm to the minorities than to the majority.
What is worse than all this is the cost. Look at the coast of Mississippi. It was hit five times as hard as New Orleans. The damage is exponentially worse from Pass Christian to Bay St Louis than it is anywhere in New Orleans. You can’t even tell where the buildings were in Mississippi for a sixty mile stretch. Five entire cities were wiped off the map and no one even seems to care. And… ahem! Excuse me Mr. Sharpton/Jackson/Farrakhan; there were black people there too. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic and on and on. Don’t you dare tell me about poor people in New Orleans! Mississippi is the poorest state in the country. Funny, they didn’t have much of a looting problem in Mississippi either. Curious? I wonder why not. Could it be that before the storm the coastal Mississippi residents weren’t sitting around waiting on a handout so they didn’t really expect one when the storm was over. Could it be that there is virtue in being employed and self reliant? Could it be that the welfare system in this country is what has created the crime rate and racial tension that still lingers?
Could it be that when you feed clothe and house a man asking nothing in return that you actually take away his dignity and self respect. Is it our system that has destroyed minorities in this country? No one is helped out of poverty by welfare. They are driven deeper into it.
White men are not the enemy of minorities in this country. Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton are your enemies. They love money more than they do their own race. They would trip their brothers and see them eaten up by an unforgiving world rather than give up their gravy train that is fueled by the hopelessness and despair of generations of their own people. The men who offer you a carrot not to go out and get a job, offer you a dollar to have another child you can’t hope to feed these are your enemies.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Seth Greenland: Cry of the Bushbots - Yahoo! News
Seth Greenland: Cry of the Bushbots - Yahoo! News: "And finally, He's not one of you liberal assholes! they screech, as if the epic incompetence of the Bush Administration is somehow preferable to the eight years of peace and prosperity that preceded it."
Hmm, Me thinks Mr. Greenland has already began rewriting history. Relative Peace? The worst domestic terrorist attack ever, Oklahoma City, in case he forgot. Then a botched attempt to topple the World Trade Center. Somalia. The ralative peace Mr Greenland speaks of was purchgased at the price of The US appearing to bury her head in sight of danger. The ralative peace and limp retaliations led directly to the 9/11 attack. Eight embarrassing years of President Clinton was enough for me. Not a Bush fan here... Just making sure we remember President Clinton for who he really was.
Hmm, Me thinks Mr. Greenland has already began rewriting history. Relative Peace? The worst domestic terrorist attack ever, Oklahoma City, in case he forgot. Then a botched attempt to topple the World Trade Center. Somalia. The ralative peace Mr Greenland speaks of was purchgased at the price of The US appearing to bury her head in sight of danger. The ralative peace and limp retaliations led directly to the 9/11 attack. Eight embarrassing years of President Clinton was enough for me. Not a Bush fan here... Just making sure we remember President Clinton for who he really was.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Arianna Huffington: Will the Dems Ever Learn? "It's The National Security, Stupid" | The Huffington Post
The Blog Arianna Huffington: Will the Dems Ever Learn? "It's The National Security, Stupid" The Huffington Post: "Did the Dems learn nothing from 2004? Bush won because he had a double-digit lead on the question of who was going to keep us safer.
Well, Katrina shoots that idea straight to hell, doesn't it? And Democrats should make clear once and for all just how illusory the president's purported strength, leadership, and steely-eyed resolve really are."
Dear God! What is this world coming to? I actually agree with Arianna Huffington about something. This is, I believe, the second time that has ever happened. In the first place the Democrats have not had a platform since Bill Clinton was elected and the still don't get it.
The louder they scream the sillier they sound and people are just walking away from the party saying, "What the heck." No one listens to them any more, not even their own people. As a conservative you may think I am dancing in the aisles but I am NOT. We, The US, needs a two or maybe even three party system. We need it to keep it honest. We need liberal minded people to stand up and say that blooming idiots like Howard Dean do NOT represent the Democratic parties constituents. For Howard Dean to call anyone a racist is a huge case of "cast the beam from thine own eye before you remove the mote from thy brother", if I have ever seen one. Howard Dean hasn't lived within a hundred miles of a black family ever in his life. But.. I digress.
Back to the subject. I wouldn't call myself a republican because I think they are nearly as bad as the Democrats at propaganda and smoke and mirrors. The libertarian party is where about 80% of the population of this country lies when it comes to political belief. I wish they were stronger and had more numbers. If the Dems don't pull their heads out of the sand we are going to be pressed further and further toward conservatism. We need the balance back. Remember that you read this here. If they don't get something going, the 2008 election will spell the end of the two party system in this country. So... Pull your collective heads out and get a platform, create a contract with America like Newt did for the Republicans and tell us what you stand for and keep your word once you win, if its not already too late. The country needs you.
Well, Katrina shoots that idea straight to hell, doesn't it? And Democrats should make clear once and for all just how illusory the president's purported strength, leadership, and steely-eyed resolve really are."
Dear God! What is this world coming to? I actually agree with Arianna Huffington about something. This is, I believe, the second time that has ever happened. In the first place the Democrats have not had a platform since Bill Clinton was elected and the still don't get it.
The louder they scream the sillier they sound and people are just walking away from the party saying, "What the heck." No one listens to them any more, not even their own people. As a conservative you may think I am dancing in the aisles but I am NOT. We, The US, needs a two or maybe even three party system. We need it to keep it honest. We need liberal minded people to stand up and say that blooming idiots like Howard Dean do NOT represent the Democratic parties constituents. For Howard Dean to call anyone a racist is a huge case of "cast the beam from thine own eye before you remove the mote from thy brother", if I have ever seen one. Howard Dean hasn't lived within a hundred miles of a black family ever in his life. But.. I digress.
Back to the subject. I wouldn't call myself a republican because I think they are nearly as bad as the Democrats at propaganda and smoke and mirrors. The libertarian party is where about 80% of the population of this country lies when it comes to political belief. I wish they were stronger and had more numbers. If the Dems don't pull their heads out of the sand we are going to be pressed further and further toward conservatism. We need the balance back. Remember that you read this here. If they don't get something going, the 2008 election will spell the end of the two party system in this country. So... Pull your collective heads out and get a platform, create a contract with America like Newt did for the Republicans and tell us what you stand for and keep your word once you win, if its not already too late. The country needs you.
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Comic Relief is a wonderful thing. This irreverant but poignant cartoon has a lot to say.
Please go check this out:
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Arianna Huffington: George Bush, David Caruso, and Katrina: Why Now Is Precisely the Time for Finger-Pointing - Yahoo! News
Arianna Huffington: George Bush, David Caruso, and Katrina: Why Now Is Precisely the Time for Finger-Pointing - Yahoo! News: "Look, if we've learned anything from watching shows like CSI, Law & Order, and their endless progeny, it's that you can't let a crime scene grow cold. You've got to start collecting and analyzing the evidence while the DNA is still fresh and let David Caruso or Vincent D'Onofrio start sweating the perps while the passions are still running high."
I get it now. I see why Ms. Huffington is always so dead wrong. She watches TV and thinks it's all real. Since she is pointing out crime dramas to decipher what happened in Katrina's wake, why doesn't she recall "Cold Case?"
I get it now. I see why Ms. Huffington is always so dead wrong. She watches TV and thinks it's all real. Since she is pointing out crime dramas to decipher what happened in Katrina's wake, why doesn't she recall "Cold Case?"
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