Friday, September 09, 2005

Arianna Huffington: Will the Dems Ever Learn? "It's The National Security, Stupid" | The Huffington Post

The Blog Arianna Huffington: Will the Dems Ever Learn? "It's The National Security, Stupid" The Huffington Post: "Did the Dems learn nothing from 2004? Bush won because he had a double-digit lead on the question of who was going to keep us safer.

Well, Katrina shoots that idea straight to hell, doesn't it? And Democrats should make clear once and for all just how illusory the president's purported strength, leadership, and steely-eyed resolve really are."

Dear God! What is this world coming to? I actually agree with Arianna Huffington about something. This is, I believe, the second time that has ever happened. In the first place the Democrats have not had a platform since Bill Clinton was elected and the still don't get it.

The louder they scream the sillier they sound and people are just walking away from the party saying, "What the heck." No one listens to them any more, not even their own people. As a conservative you may think I am dancing in the aisles but I am NOT. We, The US, needs a two or maybe even three party system. We need it to keep it honest. We need liberal minded people to stand up and say that blooming idiots like Howard Dean do NOT represent the Democratic parties constituents. For Howard Dean to call anyone a racist is a huge case of "cast the beam from thine own eye before you remove the mote from thy brother", if I have ever seen one. Howard Dean hasn't lived within a hundred miles of a black family ever in his life. But.. I digress.

Back to the subject. I wouldn't call myself a republican because I think they are nearly as bad as the Democrats at propaganda and smoke and mirrors. The libertarian party is where about 80% of the population of this country lies when it comes to political belief. I wish they were stronger and had more numbers. If the Dems don't pull their heads out of the sand we are going to be pressed further and further toward conservatism. We need the balance back. Remember that you read this here. If they don't get something going, the 2008 election will spell the end of the two party system in this country. So... Pull your collective heads out and get a platform, create a contract with America like Newt did for the Republicans and tell us what you stand for and keep your word once you win, if its not already too late. The country needs you.

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