Friday, September 30, 2005 - Politics - Senator Demands Apology for Bennett Remarks - Politics - Senator Demands Apology for Bennett Remarks: "WASHINGTON Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (search) and other Democrats on Thursday demanded that former Education Secretary William Bennett (search) apologize for remarks on his radio program linking the crime rate and the abortion of black babies. "

Why should he apologize for telling the truth. Number one, what he said was taken totally out of its context and number two it was true. It was coarse, gut wrenching and horrible, but it was true.

It is a sad day when it has become more important to be PC than it is to be honest. We have the Clinton years to thank for that in part but this has been going on for a long time. How many people out there remember when Jimmy The Greek lost his job for telling the truth about black athletes? What he said made people a bit uncomfortable but it was absolutely the truth. So... He was fired for it.

By the way. What the hell is an "African" American? Do I get to be called a "Creek/German" American. No I don't. Guess why? Because no one is trying to politicize the difference in Creek, German and American. We label things so we can dissect the differences in them and otherwise similar things. Same with people. As long as people want to be "special class" Americans instead of us all being "just" Americans we will have rifts.

In science animals that can produce fertile offspring are considered the same species. Last I checked black, white, brown, red, yellow and several shades between can all create fertile offspring. NEWS FLASH!!! That means we are all members of the Human Race. The same race. We need to drop the race schtick and concentrate on our common interests and goals not our differences.

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