Monday, October 31, 2005

Alec Baldwin: From where here did he write this?

Alec Baldwin: Dems: Senate '06, House '08 - Yahoo! News: "Everyone seems so foamed up about Libby. And although Fitzgerald's work is important, these charges are the tip of an iceberg we may not need to see, in part or in full. Everything that is objectionable, demoralizing, criminal or ineffectual about this administration is already known. From the Florida vote to 9/11 to Iraq to Social Security to Katrina to Harriet Miers to Valerie Plame. It's all out there. It's all known. "

Hey Alec! Hey Alec! Are you the actor Alec Baldwin? Hmm, I'm just curious where you are right now since you swore you'd leave the US if W was elected. After the close race in Florida that Bush clearly and legally won you said he wasn't elected and stayed. But... I don't think even a leftist idiot, uneducated, immature, childish and unimportant actor as yourself could possibly dent his lates election to the office.

I was so excited to see W win thinking we would be rid of a big mouth like you. Like most Democrats you were lying and grandstanding and didn't keep your word. That's it isn't it? You guys hate W because he DOES NOT cheat on his wife, DOES NOT lie at every opportunity and IS basically a good Christian man.

All this being the case I guess the premise that,

All men lie and cheat,
Bill Clinton is a man,
Therefore Bill Clinton lies and cheats... (and so does everyone else so its OK)

kinda goes out the window doesn't it. Ya know? It IS OK to be a good man, an honest man and to live by the words and teachings of your father and mother. Imagine that!

Monday, October 17, 2005

It's OK to be a Racist...

Neighbors defend protest over neo-Nazi march - Race in America - "You can't allow people to come challenge a whole city and not think they weren't going to strike back, said Kenneth Allen, 47, who watched the violence begin near his home.
Authorities said there was little they could do to stop the group, because they did not apply for a parade permit and instead planned to walk along sidewalks.

They do have a right to walk on the Toledo sidewalks, said Mayor Jack Ford, who at one point confronted leaders of the mob and tried to settle them down.

A gang member in a mask threatened to shoot him, and others cursed him for allowing the march, the mayor said. He said he didn't know if the man who threatened him was actually armed, but he blamed gangs for much of the violence. The march had been called off because of the crowds, and the white supremacist had left."

I wonder what the press would have made out of it if an assembly of racist whites in D.C. during the Million Man March (less that 100k by the way) had rioted and burned a few buildings? The would have been charged with Civil Rights crimes and it would have been all over every rag in this country. But you let a bunch of unruly criminal black destroy a city block and it barely gets notice.

The only racism I have witnessed in this country in the last few years is the blatant anti-white blacks like Louis Farakahn, Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton. It's OK to have your "black anger" and when you're down burn the neighborhood bar and steal a big screen TV. After all, 150 years ago someone offended your grandpa.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Fat is a Choice

Fat people are fat. They are not caloricly challenged. They are fat. They are fat because they eat and drink too much. It is NOT their glands or their genetics. A basic tenet of physics is that you cannot create or destroy matter. If you burn more calories than you intake you will lose weight. (Period) This is a fact, not a fad diet or a means of selling something. The fact that a gastric bypass makes the morbidly obese slim again is a glaring proof that people are fat because they overeat. Fat is a choice. If you like being fat more power to ya. Everyone should be who they are comfortable being. If you are fat and hate being fat stop eating so much.

Fat is not a protected class of people. You do not have a “right” to be looked after in a special way because you are fat. If your ass is too wide to sit in an airplane seat you should have to buy either a first class ticket or buy two seats. I know it costs you more but you chose to be fat so pay for the extra real estate you take up on public transportation just like you do the extra food you eat.

Fat is a choice. If you like being fat more power to ya. Everyone should be who they are comfortable being. If you are fat and hate being fat stop eating so much. If you are offended by people calling you fat grow up.

This article is dedicated to the 400 pounder that argued with me this past weekend about whether she had a right to lift the armrest between her seat and mine so that her blubber could settle on to my seat on a two hour plane ride. I just simply refused to let her do it.

She called an attendant and demanded that she force me to allow her to raise the armrest so she could basically sit in her seat and mine. The attendant asked me if it would be OK and I said “Absolutely NOT!” The poor attendant was embarrassed and said that she would try to find other arrangements on the sold out flight.

When the attendant walked away I was assaulted with name calling and the likes by this huge cow. She actually told me that she couldn’t help being fat and that I should be ashamed of myself. I told her she was too fat to sit in a single seat and should by two or use first class and that she could be thin if she wanted to and that I was most definitely not ashamed of myself.

The attendant moved her to a first class seat and the guy from first class came and sat beside me. He thought the whole thing was funny. He also told me that he had once weighed just over 300 pounds. He was currently at about 210 or so. He said he was fat all his life. His mother was fat; father and siblings were all fat. One day at 30 years old he told his family he was tired of being fat and was going to be slim. They all laughed and told him it was genetic and he couldn’t change it. A year and a hundred pounds later he was fit and trim.

Life is full of choices. If you make choices that gain you the ire of the general public don’t get mad at the public. Life is full of choices, make the right ones.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

White GOPer Charges Racism at Tenn. Black Caucus

White GOPer Charges Racism at Tenn. Black Caucus: "Stefanie Lindquist, a professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, said the case sets the Constitution against itself.
'You have, in effect, one piece of the Constitution pitted against another piece of the Constitution the First Amendment freedom of association pitted against the equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment,' she said. 'Hard to say which one will win out.'"

When a black man is refused admittance, because of his skin color, to an all white organization that is racism. When a white man is refused admittance, because of his skin color, to an all black organization that is racism. What part of this doesn't work?

Never met Stephanie Lundquist but I hate to hear that she is teaching law and political science at Vanderbuilt (a wonderful university by the way) and she sees a constitutional conflict. There is none. White men were stripped of their freedom of association rights years ago. Either integrate all organizations or give white males their right to freedom of association back.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Roy Moore for Governor! NOT in my Alabama!

Roy Moore for Governor!

I don't want to offend people who live in the South, but what is wrong with the citizens of Alabama? Judge Roy Moore was kicked off the state's Supreme Court because he violated basic codes of ethics by trying to abuse his position of authority, and now the people of Alabama would be happy electing him governor.

You know there is the perfect term that pops into my mind when people write things like this. "Jackass!" Jackass is such a nice term to describe a person who would brand the whole state of Alabama as "pro-Roy Moore" just because the idiot is running for Governor. It is not our fault that he is running. Not one single vote in his favor has been cast.

I doubt you have ever been to Alabama and if you have you obviously didn't pay attention. All we want here is to be left alone. Not written about. Not annoyed with opinions of people who think we are all ignorant. We will not come and bother you so please stay the hell out of Alabama. Stay out of our news, our parks our beaches and most of all our politics.