Monday, October 31, 2005

Alec Baldwin: From where here did he write this?

Alec Baldwin: Dems: Senate '06, House '08 - Yahoo! News: "Everyone seems so foamed up about Libby. And although Fitzgerald's work is important, these charges are the tip of an iceberg we may not need to see, in part or in full. Everything that is objectionable, demoralizing, criminal or ineffectual about this administration is already known. From the Florida vote to 9/11 to Iraq to Social Security to Katrina to Harriet Miers to Valerie Plame. It's all out there. It's all known. "

Hey Alec! Hey Alec! Are you the actor Alec Baldwin? Hmm, I'm just curious where you are right now since you swore you'd leave the US if W was elected. After the close race in Florida that Bush clearly and legally won you said he wasn't elected and stayed. But... I don't think even a leftist idiot, uneducated, immature, childish and unimportant actor as yourself could possibly dent his lates election to the office.

I was so excited to see W win thinking we would be rid of a big mouth like you. Like most Democrats you were lying and grandstanding and didn't keep your word. That's it isn't it? You guys hate W because he DOES NOT cheat on his wife, DOES NOT lie at every opportunity and IS basically a good Christian man.

All this being the case I guess the premise that,

All men lie and cheat,
Bill Clinton is a man,
Therefore Bill Clinton lies and cheats... (and so does everyone else so its OK)

kinda goes out the window doesn't it. Ya know? It IS OK to be a good man, an honest man and to live by the words and teachings of your father and mother. Imagine that!

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