- City of Berkeley to Put Bush Impeachment Question on Ballot - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum: "BERKELEY, Calif. The left-leaning city of Berkeley will let voters decide whether to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
The City Council voted Tuesday night to put an advisory measure on the Nov. 7 ballot calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
The measure says the administration violated the Constitution with illegal domestic spying, justified the Iraq war with fraudulent claims and illegally tortured citizens."
When will these fruitcakes in Berkley and the rest of the left coast get it through their heads that polls don’t run this country? You can poll, pout and demonstrate till your little liberal head bursts and it still won’t impeach the president.
They just like the “feel” of it. Their feelings are hurt and that means they should get to impeach the president.
There they are, thinking someone somewhere other than in the land of fruits and nuts gives a flying shit what they think. HELLO! We don’t care. We would like you to shut up but other than the annoying buzz of a male mosquito, who doesn’t have any bite or relevance, we don’t care… We just wish you would go away.
Wake up Berkley! The Viet Nam war has been over for thirty years. Your protests are pointless. Grow up Berkley! Stop whining and join the real world.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
NYT = Treason
12 DOWN: TOP SECRET WAR PLANS, 36 ACROSS: TREASON - Yahoo! News: "The federal statute on treason, 18 USC 2381, provides in relevant part: 'Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000.'
Thanks to The New York Times, the easiest job in the world right now is: 'Head of Counterintelligence -- Al-Qaida.' You just have to read The New York Times over morning coffee, and you're done by 10 a.m. "
No! I have no intention of shuting up about this. Good job Ann!
Thanks to The New York Times, the easiest job in the world right now is: 'Head of Counterintelligence -- Al-Qaida.' You just have to read The New York Times over morning coffee, and you're done by 10 a.m. "
No! I have no intention of shuting up about this. Good job Ann!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Sen. Jim Bunning: N.Y. Times Committed Treason
Sen. Jim Bunning: N.Y. Times Committed Treason: "Bunning said Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should empanel a grand jury to decide if the Times publisher, editors and writers who were involved in the story should be indicted for treason, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports.
'In my opinion, that is giving aid and comfort to the enemy; therefore it is an act of treason, Bunning said. 'What you write in a war and what is legal to do for the federal government, or state government, whoever it is, is very important in winning the war on terror."
I'm sorry. I just don't get it. Number one, someone leaked this information. Who was it? Number two, the idiots at the NYT know better. It's almost like they want to destroy this country and inhibit our ability to defend ourselves.
Is it their deep rooted hatred of George Bush that makes them do this irresponsible stuff? Do liberals hate GWB so badly that they will sell our entire country down the river to make him look bad.
Look at the telephone eaves dropping issue. To this day they still post it as Big Brother listening in on domestic phone calls. (period) They never post it as listening in on domestic calls that on one end or the other is a known terrorist leader or contact therof. Why not? Why not ask the real questions and get real answers? maybe they don't want the truth.
The New York Times should be closed down if they are going to act with sedition and treason for this country. Enough is enough! The chief there should be charged with treason and put in prison. Maybe then the message would be out. If you aid our enemy we will stop you.
Why don't we place what these guys have done up beside the rule of law and see if they have not indeed committed treason or at the very least sedition? If you read the New York Times and support them after this you are just as guilty as they are. If you are not a friend of this country you ARE an enemy. Get off the fence and pick a side.
I'd like my friends, liberals and conservatives to weigh in on this. Am I way off or is the NYT going off the edge?
'In my opinion, that is giving aid and comfort to the enemy; therefore it is an act of treason, Bunning said. 'What you write in a war and what is legal to do for the federal government, or state government, whoever it is, is very important in winning the war on terror."
I'm sorry. I just don't get it. Number one, someone leaked this information. Who was it? Number two, the idiots at the NYT know better. It's almost like they want to destroy this country and inhibit our ability to defend ourselves.
Is it their deep rooted hatred of George Bush that makes them do this irresponsible stuff? Do liberals hate GWB so badly that they will sell our entire country down the river to make him look bad.
Look at the telephone eaves dropping issue. To this day they still post it as Big Brother listening in on domestic phone calls. (period) They never post it as listening in on domestic calls that on one end or the other is a known terrorist leader or contact therof. Why not? Why not ask the real questions and get real answers? maybe they don't want the truth.
The New York Times should be closed down if they are going to act with sedition and treason for this country. Enough is enough! The chief there should be charged with treason and put in prison. Maybe then the message would be out. If you aid our enemy we will stop you.
Why don't we place what these guys have done up beside the rule of law and see if they have not indeed committed treason or at the very least sedition? If you read the New York Times and support them after this you are just as guilty as they are. If you are not a friend of this country you ARE an enemy. Get off the fence and pick a side.
I'd like my friends, liberals and conservatives to weigh in on this. Am I way off or is the NYT going off the edge?
Saturday, June 24, 2006
FBI says suspects sought to form own army - FBI says suspects sought to form own army
Is this scarry or what? Dissassociated young men from right here in this country... Scarry as hell.
Is this scarry or what? Dissassociated young men from right here in this country... Scarry as hell.

Thursday, June 15, 2006
United Nations Army Proposed
United Nations Army Proposed: "Crisis management experts are calling for the creation of a 'United Nations army an international rapid reaction force that could be deployed within 48 hours to intervene in emergency situations around the globe."
How many times and how hard do we have to say NO! NO UN Army! The Constitution of The United States expressly prohibits US forces from acting under command of a foreign force. We have dealt with it during world wars and joint exercises but The UN has no business with an army.
In a time when The US should be considering a unilateral pull out of The United Nations all together, now they want to make thier own Army. Hmph! The modern industrialized world does not need to be policed by unqualified thieves like Kofi Annan. The first thing they would want to do is come here and "help" The US out with capitol punishment, gun control and probably our borders... No Thanks! Keep your hands off our military.
How many times and how hard do we have to say NO! NO UN Army! The Constitution of The United States expressly prohibits US forces from acting under command of a foreign force. We have dealt with it during world wars and joint exercises but The UN has no business with an army.
In a time when The US should be considering a unilateral pull out of The United Nations all together, now they want to make thier own Army. Hmph! The modern industrialized world does not need to be policed by unqualified thieves like Kofi Annan. The first thing they would want to do is come here and "help" The US out with capitol punishment, gun control and probably our borders... No Thanks! Keep your hands off our military.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Sex Offenders - Accused Serial Molester Arrested Nine Times - U.S. & World: "Over the years, Schwartzmiller was convicted of molestation charges at least four times, but was acquitted once and avoided prosecution on other charges. When he first came to authorities' attention, there were no Megan's Laws or three-strikes laws, and Americans were less aware of the ramifications and the severity of child sexual abuse.",2933,157317,00.html
Audits by Comptroller Alan Hevesi's office showed that between January 2000 and March 2005, 198 sex offenders in New York received Medicaid-reimbursed Viagra (search) after their convictions. Those included crimes against children as young as 2 years old, he said.,2933,158314,00.html
Chaney told a local television station that he may have cared for as many as 50 foster children since late 2001 and even adopted a child while living in New York state. The county has said Chaney cared for 23 children.
Chaney was convicted in 1989 of two counts of third-degree rape, authorities said. He told WWNY-TV in Watertown he had been convicted of having sex with a 16-year-old girl.
If you can read this trash and not become livid you have a mental disorder. What is going on when sex offenders are given little to no sentence and just keep slipping through the system unscathed? How can we let this happen? We have judges who give light to non-existent sentences and then we have cases where people are passed through the system after a fifth, seventh or fiftenth offense. I am speechless. What next?,2933,157317,00.html
Audits by Comptroller Alan Hevesi's office showed that between January 2000 and March 2005, 198 sex offenders in New York received Medicaid-reimbursed Viagra (search) after their convictions. Those included crimes against children as young as 2 years old, he said.,2933,158314,00.html
Chaney told a local television station that he may have cared for as many as 50 foster children since late 2001 and even adopted a child while living in New York state. The county has said Chaney cared for 23 children.
Chaney was convicted in 1989 of two counts of third-degree rape, authorities said. He told WWNY-TV in Watertown he had been convicted of having sex with a 16-year-old girl.
If you can read this trash and not become livid you have a mental disorder. What is going on when sex offenders are given little to no sentence and just keep slipping through the system unscathed? How can we let this happen? We have judges who give light to non-existent sentences and then we have cases where people are passed through the system after a fifth, seventh or fiftenth offense. I am speechless. What next?
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