Thursday, June 29, 2006

City of Berkeley to Put Bush Impeachment Question on Ballot - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - City of Berkeley to Put Bush Impeachment Question on Ballot - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum: "BERKELEY, Calif. The left-leaning city of Berkeley will let voters decide whether to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
The City Council voted Tuesday night to put an advisory measure on the Nov. 7 ballot calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
The measure says the administration violated the Constitution with illegal domestic spying, justified the Iraq war with fraudulent claims and illegally tortured citizens."

When will these fruitcakes in Berkley and the rest of the left coast get it through their heads that polls don’t run this country? You can poll, pout and demonstrate till your little liberal head bursts and it still won’t impeach the president.

They just like the “feel” of it. Their feelings are hurt and that means they should get to impeach the president.

There they are, thinking someone somewhere other than in the land of fruits and nuts gives a flying shit what they think. HELLO! We don’t care. We would like you to shut up but other than the annoying buzz of a male mosquito, who doesn’t have any bite or relevance, we don’t care… We just wish you would go away.

Wake up Berkley! The Viet Nam war has been over for thirty years. Your protests are pointless. Grow up Berkley! Stop whining and join the real world.

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