Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sen. Jim Bunning: N.Y. Times Committed Treason

Sen. Jim Bunning: N.Y. Times Committed Treason: "Bunning said Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should empanel a grand jury to decide if the Times publisher, editors and writers who were involved in the story should be indicted for treason, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports.
'In my opinion, that is giving aid and comfort to the enemy; therefore it is an act of treason, Bunning said. 'What you write in a war and what is legal to do for the federal government, or state government, whoever it is, is very important in winning the war on terror."

I'm sorry. I just don't get it. Number one, someone leaked this information. Who was it? Number two, the idiots at the NYT know better. It's almost like they want to destroy this country and inhibit our ability to defend ourselves.

Is it their deep rooted hatred of George Bush that makes them do this irresponsible stuff? Do liberals hate GWB so badly that they will sell our entire country down the river to make him look bad.

Look at the telephone eaves dropping issue. To this day they still post it as Big Brother listening in on domestic phone calls. (period) They never post it as listening in on domestic calls that on one end or the other is a known terrorist leader or contact therof. Why not? Why not ask the real questions and get real answers? maybe they don't want the truth.

The New York Times should be closed down if they are going to act with sedition and treason for this country. Enough is enough! The chief there should be charged with treason and put in prison. Maybe then the message would be out. If you aid our enemy we will stop you.

Why don't we place what these guys have done up beside the rule of law and see if they have not indeed committed treason or at the very least sedition? If you read the New York Times and support them after this you are just as guilty as they are. If you are not a friend of this country you ARE an enemy. Get off the fence and pick a side.

I'd like my friends, liberals and conservatives to weigh in on this. Am I way off or is the NYT going off the edge?


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