Monday, November 30, 2009

Climate change data dumped - Times Online

Climate change data dumped - Times Online

These guys at the CRU are the honchos of Climate Change. They freely admit that the data has to be massaged and homogenized (adjust numbers and throw contrary data) in order to prove that the Earth is warming.

Here we start out with a guess that the Earth may actually be warming when most scientists think that it is actually cooling. Over the last 50 years the temperature has fallen about a half a degree. We have actual records of that not hypothesis.

Even though we are not even sure that there is a global warming or a global cooling going on we have decided that we know what is causing it… err, the warming I mean. Never mind that we’re not sure it is going on.

The part of the Earth that we inhabit and have an effect on is more like the shell of an egg. Humans are minuscule in their occupation of the Earth and effect on it. The truth is that the Earth warms and cools in a gentle cycle and has for millions of years. Ice ages have come and gone and will probably come again before warming occurs and the truth is that we as humans can’t do anything about it. We will cool over the next thirty years not warm according to most science on the subject.

The important thing to remember here is that any time you see what appears to be a contradiction you have to reassess your premise. When the premise conflicts with the actual outcome… Follow the money. The burden of proof should always be on the side of the objective. I cannot prove that there is no man made global warming and the truth is that no one can prove that there is.

Call your congressman and demand that they vote against any laws promoting Cap and Tax.

Tony S. Hines,
November 29th 2009.

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