Thursday, December 03, 2009

Smart Economic Stimulus

This bill would be less than 100 pages long and would create a boom in The US economy like we have never seen. Allowing men to use their minds to create wealth and jobs will work much quicker than growing the government.

This would also put the rest of the world on notice that we are no longer the United States of Charity. We would no longer be the big bad pushy US any more either. We wont bother you if you don’t bother us.

Term Limits, Two terms in The House and two in The Senate.

Reduce The House of Representatives to 235 from 435 members.

Return Congress to the concept of a part time job. Meeting once every quarter to see if any legislation is needed. We have enough laws already.

Abolish all income-based taxes.

Raise the age to receive medicare/caid and SSI to 68.

Abolish the IRS, ATF, NEA and about forty other government agencies that are outdated and pointless.

Cut funding of the United Nations by 75%.

Bring our troops home as soon as possible. No more world police force that is what NATO is for.

Reinstate the draft. Everyone goes, no exceptions other than severe handicap. One year Active Duty and five years reserve or guard after that.

Pass a five percent federal sales tax that can NEVER be raised. No exemptions for anything of any kind other than food.

Create a federal lottery

Ban all taxes on food.

Ban all public funding for non-emergency services to illegal aliens.

Deport every felon that is here illegally.

Decriminalize marijuana.

Drill baby drill. ANWR, the outer shelf or anywhere there is oil or natural gas.

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