Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Racial and Social Slurs on a Hippopotamus

I am appalled by this article. The insensitive and racial overtones just make me sick in this post-racial era. I can't believe that they had to mention the country this was in and had the word "negro" in the end of it. I mean Montenegro is obviously some sort of racial slur against the inhabitants of that nation.

Then there is the issue of calling this animal a "hippo!" I mean PLEASE! What are they thinking? I am sure that every caloricly challenged person who reads this is filled with self loathing by reading this insensitive nickname just because the hippopotamus happens to be large.

Then there is a metaphor of slavery and abuse. No one in the article mentions the animal's obviously heroic rise form the bounds of her cage to freedom. All they can do is try to keep her down. Those sexist, slave-mongering fiends.

One day in this country we will transcend all of this foolishness. Until then I remain faithfully wounded to the soul by the slings and arrows of our insensitive world.


Hippo Swims Out of Flooded Montenegro Zoo, Into Village - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

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