Monday, January 11, 2010

Three Observations About Reid's Gaffe - Cornyn, Steele Call on Reid to Resign as Senate Leader After Obama 'Negro' Comment

There are a few things worth noting about all of this who-hah about Reid's gaffe.

Number One: Every single thing Reid said about Obama was 100% true and not one iota of it was derogatory in any manner. Political correctness is wrecking this country. It has become so extreme that you are not even allowed to notice the differences in our many diverse races in this country...

Number Two: Saying Trent Lott resigned so Reid should is silly. Trent Lott should not have resigned. He should have told them to take their thin skins and go to hell.

Number Three: The GoP is blowing it here. Reid has a snow ball's chance in hell of being re-elected. Leave him in office so he can loose. A new Dem in NV may have a chance to beat the GoP candidate.

As far as political correctness goes... If you are grievously injured by words from another person you are a chump. What ever happened to the adage "stick and stones?" This bunch of pantie waste that we have running around being victims need to remember one thing. Being offended is a choice. Nothing more nothing less.


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