Friday, February 26, 2010

The third Bush President

I never hated W. I thought he was too liberal fiscally and too conservative socially. I would label him an anti-libertarian if there ever was one. But libs hated him. The ground he walked on and the air he breathed seethed with evil according to my liberal brethren.

As bad as liberals hated George W you would think that they would hate Obama too. He, after all, has done nothing but continue and double down on W’s policies.

Let’s see. W did all this Medicare part B, D and prescription coverage, he started two wars and he rammed TARP down our throats on his way out the door.

In comes Obama. He immediately passes another “stimulus” plan, TARP 2 if you will. TARP did NOT help and TARP 2 was just as bad. Doubling down on a bad hand is just two bad hands. If we had let those institutions crumble we would be on the road to recovery by now. Obama said he would close GITMO and did not because he can’t figure out how. We need GITMO as long as we are at war. He then sends more troops to Afghanistan and we are still in Iraq. We have more troops in the Afghanistan than we have ever had there. There you have Barak Hussein Obama Bush.

Tony Hines
Feb 25th 2010

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