Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Death Penalty for Sex Offenders

Sex offender to be charged in Chelsea King case - Yahoo! News

This pond slime is a career violent sex offender. He should have been incarcerated forever or put to death for the first, or second offense. They always get worse and worse, more and more violent and the can not be reformed.

The family should have legal recourse against the pantie waste prosecutor and judge who agreed on this light sentence as well as the parole board who released a unrepentant, violent sex offender.

The problem with this country is we keep waiting on other people to take care of business for us. After the 2000 attack any responsible parent or sibling would have shot this guy in the head.

The police cannot protect you. They stretch the yellow tape, say they are sorry and do as much as they can to apprehend the bad guys but only after the fact. And after that the perps are turned back to the streets to be worse and worse.

This man will be back on the streets in less than ten years and he will do the same or worse. Arm your self. Arm your family. Learn to shoot straight and often. Kill the bad guys and this kinda stuff doesn't have to happen again.

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