Friday, March 19, 2010

Total Breakdown in Logic and Math - Health Bill Extends Wage Tax to Investments

First of all. Anyone, ANYONE who tells you that insuring 30 million people will save you money is a f*&^ing liar. They are not mistaken, they didn't forget to carry the three. They are lying to you.

Take a look at the five ways these imbeciles intend to lower the cost of medical care.

Projected revenues from the tax increases over the next decade, according to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation:

-- The new tax on high-cost insurance plans, $32 billion.
(taxing a plan will only cause the cost of the plan to go up. This will cause the costs to go up and employers to drop the plans)

-- A fee on the makers and importers of brand-name drugs, $27 billion.
(Who do you think this fee will be passed on too? The answer is simple, the person who pays for the drugs... YOU!)

-- An excise tax on the makers and importers of certain medical devices, $20 billion.
(Who do you think this excise tax will be passed on too? The answer is simple, the person who pays for the use of the medical devices... YOU!)

-- An annual fee on health insurance providers, starting in 2014, $60 billion.
(Who do you think this fee will be passed on too? The answer is simple, the person who pays for the drugs... YOU!)

-- The repeal of a tax loophole that could allow paper manufacturers to get tax credits for generating alternative fuel in the paper making process, $24 billion.
(This makes me want to yak. What the hell does this have to do with health care? The again the Nationalizing of student loans isn't related either.)

Every one of these "revenue" streams will serve only to increase the cost of health care. This has to be the most thinly veiled, disingenuous pile of shit I have ever seen and we are going to make it law by 'deeming' that it was passed even thought it never was.

God forgive us for what we are going to do to these charlatans if they don't stop trying to steal our country.

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