Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Open Letter to the Governor of Alabama, Bob Riley, Supreme Court eminent-domain ruling

States move to blunt effect of Supreme Court eminent-domain ruling: "In Alabama, Republican Gov. Bob Riley is drawing up a bill that would prohibit city and county governments from using eminent domain to take property for retail, office or residential development. It would still allow property to be taken for industrial development, such as new factories, and for roads and schools."

I don't mean to insult you but this measure falls a step short of the protection we deserve. I'm sorry Governor Riley! Do you remember when you ran for election? You ran as a Republican. We (I voted for you) elected a Republican not a Socialist. I'm gonna leave out the tax increase (very Democratic thing to do) that you tried to pull on us. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the quick action you are taking. Eminent Domain is intended to insure public right of way and for schools and government installations. The key here being "public." When a private business be it a factory, condo or a mall cant find realestate that is too bad for them. They need to try harder to find a good place, not steal fairly and rightfully owned property.

I shuddered when I heard about the SCOTUS ruling on this. As usual they didn't tell the whole truth. The opinions did make clear that it is up to the states to police these practices in their own venue. I live on the Gulf Coast. I hate all those huge condos and then I think of the economic impact and I go... Oh well. But then I see the few smaller land owners there that still have their small houses on the beach and I think what a tragedy it would be to steal there property so that another private owner could build there.

Press on with this legislation but drop the factory stuff. It is NOT OK to take from one private owner to give to another private owner. That is stealing. Keep eminent domain in the public arena and we will all be safe.

Thank you.
Tony Hines
Mobile, Alabama

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