Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program

ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK - Civil liberties groups filed lawsuits in two cities Tuesday seeking to block President Bush's domestic eavesdropping program, arguing the electronic surveillance of American citizens was unconstitutional."

I'm not sure why the ACLU doesn't understand that your constitutional rights end when you exit the borders governed by that document.

I was traveling in England with an attorney friend when the police told us we had to leave a certain area. We probably had no business there in the first place and I was very willing to comply but my ACLU member card carrying attorney friend began to question the Bobbies based on his constitutional rights.

They then shoved him to the ground, handcuffed him and explained to him that he was in the soveriegn country of Great Britain and that he had no U.S. Constitutional rights.

I couldn't help but laugh.

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