Friday, January 27, 2006

Oprah Tears into Frey over "Pieces" - Yahoo! News

Oprah Tears into Frey over "Pieces" - Yahoo! News: "As the accusations against him continued to build, Frey appeared on Larry King Live earlier this month in an effort to defend himself and his book. During the interview, King took an on-air phone call from Winfrey, who had not yet spoken publicly about the controversy.
Taking a stance that likely relieved the embattled author, Winfrey dismissed the Smoking Gun's findings as 'irrelevant,' and called the resulting backlash against Frey 'much ado about nothing.'
'What is relevant is that he was a drug addict who spent years in turmoil, from the time he was 10 years old, drinking and--and tormenting himself and his parents,' Winfrey said at the time.
'And out of that, stepped out of that history to be the man that he is today, and to take that message to save other people and allow them to save themselves. That's what's important about this book and his story.'
On Thursday, Winfrey had changed her tune, telling Frey she felt he 'betrayed millions of readers' with his lies and that she regretted calling into King's show to express her support, especially after receiving harsh criticism from viewers disenchanted by her dismissive attitude toward Frey's fabrications.
'I made a mistake and I left the impression that the truth does not matter,' Winfrey said. 'And I am deeply sorry. Because that is not what I believe.'
In the face of Winfrey's angry interrogation, Frey admitted that the Smoking Gun's version of events 'was pretty accurate,' and even said the site 'did a good job' in exposing his lies."

To me Frey's book is a lot like The Bible. If you read it as an account of actual historical events you may come away with some doubts and delusions. But if you read it as a reference to a life that was broken and a man who managed somehow get it right you can learn some valuable lessons.

Please don't take that as a slam to The Bible.

Also remember that Frey was a drug addict. I have a person in my life who is very dear to me. As close a relation as life can bring to you and that person has related to me after years as an addict the they really cannot remember if some of the things that have been recounted are real or if they were objects of drug induced paranoia and halucinations.

Drug addicts are liars. Years after their addiction they may rid themselves of this quality but I can tell you from great experience that you can never take the word of an addict. They may not even know that they are lieing. They can be recounting halucinations of predatory spiders and spies that are after them and they honest to God believe that they are telling you the truth.

Lies are one of the first skills that an addict aquires in order to toss their life into this turmoil that destroys so many people. Once they start to see the truth about the drug, their own lives and themselves thast when they either check out or attempt recovery. All too often they cash their check and go down as another statistic.

Take it easy on Frey. He managed to survive something that most of his former peers never do. So what if he embellished the truth and even lied a bit. Look at the book and its possible good effects on addicts and those close to them who may read the book and benefit from it.

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