Friday, January 20, 2006

Ted Kennedy Love Child Quiz

Great Stuff here. Go to this guys site and read and donate and do all that fun stuff.

IMAO: "The 'Are You A Ted Kennedy Love Child?' Quiz.
Read More

Think back to your childhood and answer these questions honestly.
1. When you sat on the cool, cool grass in your backyard, looking up at the night sky, what did you ask yourself?
A. What makes the stars shine?
B. Is the moon made out of cheese?
C. Is Roe V. Wade really settled law.

2. When I was growing up, I longed to join:
A. The Boy Scouts
B. The circus
C. The local union

3. Late at night, when the house was quiet and I was still awake, my greatest fear was:
A. A burglar
B. Monsters in the closet
C. Wal-Mart

4. When snuggled up by the fireplace and reading a good childrens' book, my favorite drink was:
A. Hot Cocoa
B. Apple Juice
C. Beer

5. My favorite childhood toy was:
A. My race car
B. My choo-train
C. My Beer

6. Elmo was my favorite stuffed toy because
A. I liked Sesame Street
B. Elmo was cute and cuddly
C. Elmo was chosen through affirmative action

7. My favorite action figure was:
A. G.I. Joe
B. Superman
C. Jimmy Carter

8. When mommy and daddy talked about the upcoming family reunion, they were talking about going to:
A. A restaurant where we'd sit in a big banquet room
B. Picnics in the park on Sunday.
C. A rape trial

9. When my family asks me, What does it mean to enunciate? I answer:
A. Separate each syllable as best I can
B. Speak slowly and clearly
C. wha jyou meeeen I huvhuvhub to shssssssssssspk anan an whu?

10. Growing up I always wanted to be:
A. G.I. Joe
B. Superman
C. Jimmy Carter

How do you feel you did? Well, around here we ain't Democrats so we're going to actually have to COUNT the points.

Scoring:1 point for each A answer2 points for each B answer.3 points for each C answer.
10-12 points. It’s pretty safe that you aren’t Ted Kennedy’s kid. I’d say you had a typical childhood.
13-20 points. Probably not a Love Child, but it wouldn’t hurt you to get a little bit of therapy on the side.
21 – 28 points. You might consider getting tested. Consider collecting some Teddy saliva for DNA testing. If he won’t give it to you, go to his next speech and try to sit in the first three rows.
30 points. I’m sorry but jyou meeeen I huvhuvhub to shssssssssssspk anan an whu?

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