Monday, December 14, 2009

Polar ice may vanish in 5-7 years

Gore: Polar ice may vanish in 5-7 years - Yahoo! News

It amazes me that this liar is still spouting his total fabrications unchecked. Polar ice is thicker than it has ever been...

"It is hard to capture the astonishment that the experts in the science of ice felt when they saw this," said former U.S. Vice President Gore, who joined Scandinavian officials and scientists to brief journalists and delegates. It was Gore's first appearance at the two-week conference.

The data is collected from the US military web site All of the active military buoys show significant thickening ice over the past six months to a year, as seen below.

In contrast to the Arctic, the extent of sea ice in the Antarctic has come close this year to breaking its satellite-monitored record for maximum area of 16.03 million sq km.
It's funny how these things get lost in the fine-print. The media, although in virtual obscurity, did concede that Antarctic ice is thickening. But what's also disturbing is how many in the counter-climate-change-crowd have been guilty of not looking at the whole story either.

Friday, December 11, 2009

House Passes Broad Wall Street Regulatory Overhaul - House Passes Broad Wall Street Regulatory Overhaul

This is terrifying. Our government is trying to pass legislation to allow them to take over any business they want. We have got to stop this madness. This is totally outside the scope of the constitution. The federal government has no authority to take over private businesses. They had no authority to do what they did to GM and Chrysler and now the banking industry is next.

We are getting close to the time when we have to tell our government no. No! The further we let it slide toward the abyss the harder it's going to be to stop it. If they think a million people protesting in DC this passed summer was bad they need to remember that all they had were signs last time. We The People are in charge. We need to remind them.

In this piece of legislation no GoP voted for it and even the Dems couldn't get all of theirs to vote for it. We have to stop this before it escalates to something that cannot be solved in a peaceful manner.

UN talks: Rich nations must make big emission cuts - Yahoo! News

The very idea that you must consider whether a nation is 'wealthy' or not tells the whole tale on this issue. This is about fleecing the Western world in order to finance the world socialist agenda.

"COPENHAGEN – Wealthy nations would commit to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade, and the world should strive to nearly eliminate them — or at least cut them in half — by 2050 under a draft text circulated Friday at the U.N. climate talks."

UN talks: Rich nations must make big emission cuts - Yahoo! News

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO

This is a typical liberal response. Do you remember when liberal meant open minded and above all liberated? Progressive used to refer to motion in a positive direction as well and now it just means socialist.

You are invited to be open minded as long as your open mind agrees with their views. The very idea that The Chamber of Commerce has been black balled by the Obama administration from all jobs creation talks is absurd. They represent more businesses than any other organization in the country.

The administration is not personally asking for mud on this guy but you can bet they will follow up on any overturned dirt. If you and your company are not members of The Chamber of Commerce please join now and make sure to let them know that it is in support of their common sense opposition to the economy and job killing efforts of Obamacare and Cap and Tax.

Tony Hines,
December 8th 2009 - Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO

Monday, December 07, 2009

Carbonhagen: World Leaders Drive to Climate Summit in Gas-Guzzling Luxury Fleet - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

The important thing to remember here is that none of the people in charge of this thing believe they should be subject to the rules. They are elitists and thugs seeking to fleece all wealthy nations in order to steal a little bit on the way while they finance the poor. Simply put they are more important than us little guys and smarter too.

Carbonhagen: World Leaders Drive to Climate Summit in Gas-Guzzling Luxury Fleet - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

Winter Weather Advisory

A Severe Winter Weather Advisory has been issued. The catastrophic nature of the collision of these forces may well create the perfect storm. The perfect ice storm that is.

A Crimson Tide has swelled so high in Atlanta, GA. that the runnoff has very nearly destroyed Florida. Gainsville Florida was completely devastated.

The confluence of this event with the freezing over of Hell, set upon by the amazing victories of the New Orleans Saints, could cause an ice cap that would first flood and the freeze the entire sporting world.

The Tide is still rising and the frost machines are still blowing into Hell directly from New Orleans. Hold on to your parkas and sleds. January is going to be a hell of a ride.

Tony Hines,
December 6th 2009

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Smart Economic Stimulus

This bill would be less than 100 pages long and would create a boom in The US economy like we have never seen. Allowing men to use their minds to create wealth and jobs will work much quicker than growing the government.

This would also put the rest of the world on notice that we are no longer the United States of Charity. We would no longer be the big bad pushy US any more either. We wont bother you if you don’t bother us.

Term Limits, Two terms in The House and two in The Senate.

Reduce The House of Representatives to 235 from 435 members.

Return Congress to the concept of a part time job. Meeting once every quarter to see if any legislation is needed. We have enough laws already.

Abolish all income-based taxes.

Raise the age to receive medicare/caid and SSI to 68.

Abolish the IRS, ATF, NEA and about forty other government agencies that are outdated and pointless.

Cut funding of the United Nations by 75%.

Bring our troops home as soon as possible. No more world police force that is what NATO is for.

Reinstate the draft. Everyone goes, no exceptions other than severe handicap. One year Active Duty and five years reserve or guard after that.

Pass a five percent federal sales tax that can NEVER be raised. No exemptions for anything of any kind other than food.

Create a federal lottery

Ban all taxes on food.

Ban all public funding for non-emergency services to illegal aliens.

Deport every felon that is here illegally.

Decriminalize marijuana.

Drill baby drill. ANWR, the outer shelf or anywhere there is oil or natural gas.