Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO

This is a typical liberal response. Do you remember when liberal meant open minded and above all liberated? Progressive used to refer to motion in a positive direction as well and now it just means socialist.

You are invited to be open minded as long as your open mind agrees with their views. The very idea that The Chamber of Commerce has been black balled by the Obama administration from all jobs creation talks is absurd. They represent more businesses than any other organization in the country.

The administration is not personally asking for mud on this guy but you can bet they will follow up on any overturned dirt. If you and your company are not members of The Chamber of Commerce please join now and make sure to let them know that it is in support of their common sense opposition to the economy and job killing efforts of Obamacare and Cap and Tax.

Tony Hines,
December 8th 2009

FOXNews.com - Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO

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