Friday, December 11, 2009

House Passes Broad Wall Street Regulatory Overhaul - House Passes Broad Wall Street Regulatory Overhaul

This is terrifying. Our government is trying to pass legislation to allow them to take over any business they want. We have got to stop this madness. This is totally outside the scope of the constitution. The federal government has no authority to take over private businesses. They had no authority to do what they did to GM and Chrysler and now the banking industry is next.

We are getting close to the time when we have to tell our government no. No! The further we let it slide toward the abyss the harder it's going to be to stop it. If they think a million people protesting in DC this passed summer was bad they need to remember that all they had were signs last time. We The People are in charge. We need to remind them.

In this piece of legislation no GoP voted for it and even the Dems couldn't get all of theirs to vote for it. We have to stop this before it escalates to something that cannot be solved in a peaceful manner.

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