Friday, June 03, 2005

Deep Throat' is more hero than villain - Says the Press

On balance, 'Deep Throat' is more hero than villain - Yahoo! News: "Felt revered the FBI and despised the White House for manipulating the agency politically. Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward wrote Thursday that Felt 'thought the Nixon team were Nazis' and feared for the country's future."

It is amazing to me how what Felts did can possibly make him a hero. He knew of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” committed by the president and he did nothing accept leak it to the press. I am willing to bet that that is a felony. The obvious reason to most of us is that he was passed over by Nixon for the #1 job in the FBI and he was getting even. While Nixon was a slimy character at best the truth is the secret tapes and such were going on before Nixon was caught. I am NOT saying it was OK for Nixon to do it. Just that the FBI knew when Johnson was doing it too.

You will never hear the truth here from the press in this country because Watergate was their finest moment. It is when the press in the US deposed a president. They love it, love the power and thank goodness they will never have that power again. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that this guy should be brought up on charges for what he did. The information he leaked was clearly classified. If he wanted to do something he should have had Nixon investigated.

The one thing I will have to give Felts credit for is that he did steal Woodward’s thunder by revealing the story. I’m sure Woodward was salivating over the day that Felts died so he could do some more grandstanding. Woodward is a has been and so is Felts. Good riddance to them both. Sour grapes are never a good reason to commit felonies and then enrich yourself.


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