Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Go! Go! Dean

I read two interesting articles today on the net. Both leave me totally confused about the mind set of the Democratic Party. It’s like they keep sticking their hand in boiling water, they see it hurts, so in order to fix it they stick it in to the elbow next time and bang! Then they go ahead and dive the rest of the way in.

After the Dems lost the election to W the first time they stepped back and said, “You know, if the American people knew what we were all about they would elect us.” So they got the word out and shifted a little further to the left and it really turned the voters off so in the midterm election they lost a few more seats in congress.

Along comes Nancy Pelosi and she says to them that they are not left enough so they go further from the center. That costs them another Whitehouse bid and a few more seats on the hill.

Understand that this is a critique of the Dems and not a defense of Republicans or conservatives in general. They just don’t get it. Dems are so out of touch with the average American that they just sound, feel and taste totally out of reasonable bounds. Now to prove that they still believe that the “just need to get the word out,” they have placed the most left oddball on the planet in their leadership position at the DNC. Howard Dean. Dean has the nerve to suggest racial and religious factionalism when he is from the most racist state in the US. He has no hint of an idea what integration is all about. All across the south Black men and women are prospering at a constantly accelerating rate by far out striding their northern and western contemporaries.

Then Dean opens his mouth and just embarrasses his entire party with his far-far-left rhetoric. The only thing I can think of is that the Dems hired him so that he could let the nation see how ridiculously left they could be in order to fire him and look like they are gonna try to center up a bit.

After hiring Dean as DNC boss they go on a hunt for the anti-Arnold candidate in California to try to defeat Schwarzenegger. Arnold is hugely popular. Why not look for someone with some of the same qualities who is more to their political liking. No! They are going to stand up and as the elitists that they are they are going to tell you what you should think, should feel and by god who you should be more like.

All I can say to the Dems is, “Go, Go Dean!” Keep up that rhetoric and keep telling people that you know better for them what they should think and you loose a dozen more seats in this next election and your party will be relegated to history.

1 comment:

Devil Frog said...

Maybe you're right. He may be more popular outside the state than in it. I'm not from CA so all i can do is read what the "press" says. Thanks for your comment.
