Monday, June 27, 2005

The Seattle Times: Local News: Iraq war claims first woman from Washington state

The Seattle Times: Local News: Iraq war claims first woman from Washington state

Women are citizens just like men and they deserve the right and privilege of serving in our armed services in any role that they can qualify for following the same guidelines that their male counterparts use for qualification.

It’s about time women risked their lives for the freedoms that they enjoy. By God there are more women in The US than men and only 10% of the force in Iraq! I tell ya its not fair being a man and expected to risk it all while women sit at home and risk nothing.

Women are by nature more frail and weaker and shouldn’t be exposed to the rigors and risks involved in combat. While I feel that they are equal in other ways I think that’s a bit unrealistic to think that they would be involved in combat. What would happen in a hand-to-hand situation? Goodness! They could be killed, raped or worse!

I don’t want some woman trying to carry my wounded ass out of a combat zone. A 115lb woman just cant do the job a 200 pound man can. Plus they get all emotional and fall apart at the drop of a hat.

The ACLU (rights advocate)
We could sue the military for letting this Marine get killed and putting a woman in harm’s way. “Her rights were violated by a bomb that would have never been there if it wasn’t for George W. Bush.”

We have just as much pride and patriotism as men. We deserve the opportunity and honor of serving our country in any way we can. If I can meet the physical and psychological requirements that my male counterparts meet I should be eligible for the job no matter what position it places me in.

Well, I just don’t think women should be required to do this. War is a guy thing and there are plenty of jobs here at home where we can make a contribution. We’re just not cut out for those types of things anyway.

Barbara (Bob)
I am a woman… Hear me roar. It should be a sliding scale for men and women. There are certain things men are required to do to qualify that are unrealistic for women. But, we should still be allowed to serve in combat. I can do anything a man can do.

The ACLU (rights obscurer)
We could sue the military for not allowing women to go to combat. Oops! Wait a minute. We already sued them for having the Marine in the wrong place… “It’s OK. We aren’t accountable for anything we do anyway.”

Tony (Me, the author)
One thing I can tell you about women in combat is simple. The ARE already there. The same goes with homosexuals in the armed forces and many other hotly debated military issues. Women have served a vital role in our military almost since it’s inception. Albeit it has not always been on the front lines they have always been there. Supporting, supplying, manufacturing and sadly enough, dieing. As early as The Revolution, so basically before we were a country, women have served.

Women have stood in the background and worked equally as hard for their freedoms as any man has and in many instances even harder. Come on guys! We didn’t have to protest for the right to vote or to even be counted as “other than property.”

The military has a way of letting things happen smoothly and in due time without a lot of upheaval. You can see evidence of this in the evolution of a woman’s role here in the Iraq war. You cannot admit a woman to The United States Marine Corps and say that women don’t serve in combat. Infantry is always the first job there. If the press and lawyers will stay out of it a natural transition will take place in our military. Her (the military complex) evolution will be slow and methodical as usual but it always seems to work itself out. It saddens me to see the death of any Marine, Sailor, Soldier or Airman but change is always painful. I hope that her family and friends view her as I and most of the rest of the country do. An American Hero who gave it all. An American Hero who gave her all. Simply put. A True American..

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