Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blood and Gore,2933,228086,00.html

read the details here:

Bits of dismembered bodies were plastered to walls of the damaged buildings and lying on the ground. A woman's headscarf, children's boots and slippers, and a pair of jeans — all burnt — were strewn outside.

Weeping relatives gathered outside the homes. One man dipped his hand in victims' blood and smeared it all over his face. "God avenge us, God avenge us," he wailed.

A young man, standing in the bloodied alleyway, said an infant girl had been blown to pieces. "I tried to look for her head, I tried to look for her head," he shrieked, then sank to the ground, weeping.

What do you think this is describing? This is describing an Israeli shelling in a Hamas neighborhood. When has the press ever gone that far to disgust it's readers when terrorists blow up innocent civilians all over Israel and the rest of the Middle East?

Why do we ignore the terrorists and their attrocities and spread all the filth we can about the Israelis?

I'm not gonna try to answer that. I'll leave that to you.


Friday, August 04, 2006

Bad Notions

Many times in life labels are placed on things, people and qualities of those things and people by our parents, ancestors and the customs of our society. We as individuals have never really weighed those labels and notions as to whether we believe they are good or bad or useful or not. Good and bad can also be labels that are dangerous. It can not be said that a good thing is always good or useful and things and people who we have labeled bad are sometimes good and very useful.

Everyone loves a cake or a pie of their favorite flavor. So you might assign a label or quality of good to that dish of food. It is said then that cake or pie is good. If a person has a weak will and eats cake or pie too often then their health will suffer and they may become obese or even die. So it may be said that cake and pie are useful in the correct quantities and at proper times but poisonous in the incorrect measure.

The same may be said of a thief. What's that you are saying? A thief is no good! There was a time long ago when a small kingdom was besieged by a much larger kingdom. We will not say that one kingdom was good or evil just that one was larger than the other and had a military advantage or so it would seem.

In the smaller kingdom, a few weeks before the siege, a thief had been caught and was scheduled to be executed. The execution was delayed due to the siege and the captain of the guards came to the thief to tell him so.

The thief told the captain that he could help and would gladly do so. Once the captain relayed the message to the king the king believed that all was lost so he agreed in desperation. He believed that a thief had no place or value.

The guard freed the thief and he sneaked out of the city gates in the night. He came back to the king the next morning with the dagger of the invading king.
The king scoffed and said, Good! Now I can take my own life with the invader's dagger rather than let him kill me himself!

The next morning the thief came to visit the king again. This time he had the blanket from the bed the opposing king's bed.

The king laughed again and told the thief, If you were a really good thief you would steal the pillow from under his head, and he laughed heartily.

So, the next day the thief had the pillow from under the invading king's head and the king was clearly amazed at the craft of this thief. As they were talking, a messenger arrived with a message from the king of besieging force.

The message said, A fore night you stole my dagger and the next the blanket off my bed as I slept. Then last night you took the pillow I slept on. We are leaving and will never molest your kingdom again for I fear that the next night you will take my head.

After this the king freed the thief. The thief then taught the king's guards how to secure the kings home from people like himself and left the kingdom.

Prejudices are from labels so we must transcend labels and names. They elicit notions that may be unfair. I don't believe that anyone will now, after reading this, proclaim that thieves are good. Hopefully you will not say that they are bad. Hopefully you can transcend the labels and names and evaluate people and objects for their current usefulness. While a thief may not be good he can certainly be useful and a cake my be not be bad but it can be poison.

In the US there is a saying that no one is all bad and there is a little good in all of us. Remember to be mindful of all things and withhold judgments that come from values that were given to you by others. Every object and person has a use and has some good in them. Be kind, open-minded and fair.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Blind Love

Were I without eyes to see you?
You'd still be the most beautiful thing I know.
Without hands to touch you,Id still caress your body so.
Without legs to carry me,
Id still come to you each night,

And if I had to arms to hold you,
My heart would hold you tight.

If my heart were to burst,
My love would carry you through.

And if I cannot be with you tonight,
Your soul will always tell you
My love is always true.

June 13th 1992

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pat M. Holt, Idiot or Liar?

Press disclosures help more than hurt - Yahoo! News: "The more important of the two stories that caused this hullabaloo is the one about the NSA, because it exposes government wrongdoing. It has been, and continues, wiretapping American citizens without judicial warrants..."

Why does the media, specifically Pat Holt, continue to lie about this program? There is NO "wrongdoing." None! Nada! There is nothing illegal about the NSA program. It was not done in secret either. Congressmen on both sides of the aisle were briefed.


For the last time...

The only time they listen to US Citizens is when they are talking to known terrorists and their associates. You have no right to privacy when you are communicating with organizations that we are at war with. Our constitution does not protect your right to wage war on The US.

The "freedom of the press" in our Bill of Rights does not protect NYT from charges of treason either.

I have a question for Pat M. Holt. Are you a bald faced liar or are you so dense that you can't read and listen to the twenty times that this issue has been answered? Either way you hate W more than you love this country. You hate Republicans more than you love the truth and you should be ashamed.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006, NYT = Sedition, Treason of the Day Archive/sedition:

sedition \sih-DISH-un\, noun:
Conduct or language inciting resistance to or rebellion against lawful authority.

trea·son ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trzn)n.
Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
A betrayal of trust or confidence.

Sedition, Treason, New York Times!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Enough of the roadblocks

A friend of mine wrote the piece below. I just wonder what Mr Hargrove is thinking. Possessing fireworks gets you a ticket last I heard. Not arrested. Why would you tow someone's car over this? Do you tow their car when they have no insurance or write them a ticket? Just a curiosity.

Another thing. What about interstate commerce laws? I think a half way decent lawyer would shred this in court. That is if anyone wanted to make a scene of it.I'm not sure what Mr Hargrove is up to. Maybe he hates the Mayor who appointed him and wants to make sure that he is never elected again.

If Hargrove continues the unconstitutional practice of roadblocks and opening his mouth without thinking it through he will wind up with the permanent ire of most of Mobile's tax payers who are also the voters.That would mean that the people who voted for the guy who appointed him might not repeat their vote next time.

Mayor Jones please either educate or remove this embarrassment to our fair city.

(Tyler's Article)
HARGROVE: POSSESSION OF FIREWORKS ILLEGAL Body: Asked what would happen if a pseron had legally purchased fireworks in Mobile or Baldwin counties and was just passing through the city on his or her way to shoot the fireworks in a legal area where they were stopped at a roadblock, Hargrove said: "If we find fireworks in the car, the car could be towed and the person could be arrested because it violates city ordinances.

"I read this in the newspaper Sat A.M. Basically fireworks are illegal in the city, even possession. It IS by the way legal out in the county outside of the city limits. (Such as my house)

Condi and W for Dinner

It is very interesting to me that in all these polls taken every day that W is a boil on the ass of the republican party but he finishes in a tie with the best politician ever and one of America's favorite male actors as a favored dinner guest. He was bested by Jay Leno who can be fairly proclaimed as the most entertaining one man show anywhere.

Then on the subject of women we have Condi Rice leading the pack over all. She was only a few points ahead of media darling Oprah Winfrey but smashed the angry and unpredicatable Hillary Clinton as well as North America's hottest vixen Angelina Jolie.

(begin NewMax Article)

A Beta Research Corp. survey commissioned by Esquire magazine offered 1,083 American men over age 25 a list of 14 women and 14 men and asked to pick three of each as their most preferred dinner guests.

The results: 35 percent chose Rice, 33 percent named Oprah Winfrey, 30 percent selected Jolie, and 21 percent chose Sen. Hillary Clinton. The Washington, D.C.-based publication The Hill reported the results.

Jay Leno led all men. The “Tonight Show” host was chosen by 37 percent, narrowly beating out President George Bush, who at 36 percent was tied for second with Bill Clinton and George Clooney.

(end NewMax Article)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

City of Berkeley to Put Bush Impeachment Question on Ballot - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum - City of Berkeley to Put Bush Impeachment Question on Ballot - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum: "BERKELEY, Calif. The left-leaning city of Berkeley will let voters decide whether to call for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
The City Council voted Tuesday night to put an advisory measure on the Nov. 7 ballot calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
The measure says the administration violated the Constitution with illegal domestic spying, justified the Iraq war with fraudulent claims and illegally tortured citizens."

When will these fruitcakes in Berkley and the rest of the left coast get it through their heads that polls don’t run this country? You can poll, pout and demonstrate till your little liberal head bursts and it still won’t impeach the president.

They just like the “feel” of it. Their feelings are hurt and that means they should get to impeach the president.

There they are, thinking someone somewhere other than in the land of fruits and nuts gives a flying shit what they think. HELLO! We don’t care. We would like you to shut up but other than the annoying buzz of a male mosquito, who doesn’t have any bite or relevance, we don’t care… We just wish you would go away.

Wake up Berkley! The Viet Nam war has been over for thirty years. Your protests are pointless. Grow up Berkley! Stop whining and join the real world.

NYT = Treason

12 DOWN: TOP SECRET WAR PLANS, 36 ACROSS: TREASON - Yahoo! News: "The federal statute on treason, 18 USC 2381, provides in relevant part: 'Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States ... adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000.'

Thanks to The New York Times, the easiest job in the world right now is: 'Head of Counterintelligence -- Al-Qaida.' You just have to read The New York Times over morning coffee, and you're done by 10 a.m. "

No! I have no intention of shuting up about this. Good job Ann!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sen. Jim Bunning: N.Y. Times Committed Treason

Sen. Jim Bunning: N.Y. Times Committed Treason: "Bunning said Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should empanel a grand jury to decide if the Times publisher, editors and writers who were involved in the story should be indicted for treason, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports.
'In my opinion, that is giving aid and comfort to the enemy; therefore it is an act of treason, Bunning said. 'What you write in a war and what is legal to do for the federal government, or state government, whoever it is, is very important in winning the war on terror."

I'm sorry. I just don't get it. Number one, someone leaked this information. Who was it? Number two, the idiots at the NYT know better. It's almost like they want to destroy this country and inhibit our ability to defend ourselves.

Is it their deep rooted hatred of George Bush that makes them do this irresponsible stuff? Do liberals hate GWB so badly that they will sell our entire country down the river to make him look bad.

Look at the telephone eaves dropping issue. To this day they still post it as Big Brother listening in on domestic phone calls. (period) They never post it as listening in on domestic calls that on one end or the other is a known terrorist leader or contact therof. Why not? Why not ask the real questions and get real answers? maybe they don't want the truth.

The New York Times should be closed down if they are going to act with sedition and treason for this country. Enough is enough! The chief there should be charged with treason and put in prison. Maybe then the message would be out. If you aid our enemy we will stop you.

Why don't we place what these guys have done up beside the rule of law and see if they have not indeed committed treason or at the very least sedition? If you read the New York Times and support them after this you are just as guilty as they are. If you are not a friend of this country you ARE an enemy. Get off the fence and pick a side.

I'd like my friends, liberals and conservatives to weigh in on this. Am I way off or is the NYT going off the edge?


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Thursday, June 15, 2006

United Nations Army Proposed

United Nations Army Proposed: "Crisis management experts are calling for the creation of a 'United Nations army an international rapid reaction force that could be deployed within 48 hours to intervene in emergency situations around the globe."

How many times and how hard do we have to say NO! NO UN Army! The Constitution of The United States expressly prohibits US forces from acting under command of a foreign force. We have dealt with it during world wars and joint exercises but The UN has no business with an army.

In a time when The US should be considering a unilateral pull out of The United Nations all together, now they want to make thier own Army. Hmph! The modern industrialized world does not need to be policed by unqualified thieves like Kofi Annan. The first thing they would want to do is come here and "help" The US out with capitol punishment, gun control and probably our borders... No Thanks! Keep your hands off our military.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Sex Offenders - Accused Serial Molester Arrested Nine Times - U.S. & World: "Over the years, Schwartzmiller was convicted of molestation charges at least four times, but was acquitted once and avoided prosecution on other charges. When he first came to authorities' attention, there were no Megan's Laws or three-strikes laws, and Americans were less aware of the ramifications and the severity of child sexual abuse.",2933,157317,00.html
Audits by Comptroller Alan Hevesi's office showed that between January 2000 and March 2005, 198 sex offenders in New York received Medicaid-reimbursed Viagra (search) after their convictions. Those included crimes against children as young as 2 years old, he said.,2933,158314,00.html
Chaney told a local television station that he may have cared for as many as 50 foster children since late 2001 and even adopted a child while living in New York state. The county has said Chaney cared for 23 children.
Chaney was convicted in 1989 of two counts of third-degree rape, authorities said. He told WWNY-TV in Watertown he had been convicted of having sex with a 16-year-old girl.

If you can read this trash and not become livid you have a mental disorder. What is going on when sex offenders are given little to no sentence and just keep slipping through the system unscathed? How can we let this happen? We have judges who give light to non-existent sentences and then we have cases where people are passed through the system after a fifth, seventh or fiftenth offense. I am speechless. What next?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 - Iranian commander threatens Israel if U.S. attacks - Iranian commander threatens Israel if U.S. attacks

This whole Iran and Israel bit is smoke and mirrors and no one is willing to point it out. There are two countries that Iran hates nearly as much as they hate Israel. Those countries are Iraq and The U.S. Currently the U.S. has nearly 100k troops in Bagdad. I’ll wager you that within one week of Iran having the capability they will nuke the hell out of Bagdad, taking revenge for Iraq kicking their ass in the last few wars and taking out 100k of our finest troops. If they have the capability they will hit Israel at the same time but Bagdad will be their first target.

It will be the world’s largest suicide bombing because we all know what would happen to them if they did that. Israel is very nuclear capable and nothing needs to be said about our abilities here in The U.S.

I hope I am wrong but my instincts tell me I’m right.

Friday, April 21, 2006

I've Fallen and I don't Want to Get Up!

When a friend has fallen and can’t get up you have two basic choices with several variations each.

You can either leave them on the floor or help them up. All you benevolent little eager beavers say in a chorus, “help them up! Help them up!” I say that there is a lot to consider here. First of all there is generally a reason that they fell. Balance, intoxication or an obstacle like a wall that leapt out in front of them or something? If you are not going to be around long enough to make sure they don’t fall again you definitely should NOT help them up. They could break a hip or something on the next fall. There is a lot of responsibility in helping someone back up so be careful.

The other option is to leave them on the floor. Sounds callous but maybe not. You could just walk away and pretend you don’t know them; But. Remember I said this is a friend. Maybe you could sit down there beside them till they feel better or something like that. Tell them jokes or entertain them until they can get up on their own. If you tell really bad jokes or pass gas they will want to get up quicker. Whatever the case inspiration is better than a helping hand. Once they have decided that they can get up on their own there’s nothing wrong with a hand to steady them.

Society has fallen and doesn’t want to get up. Careful how you help them.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 1,200 caught in immigration raids at IFCO Systems plants - 1,200 caught in immigration raids at IFCO Systems plants: "Hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their supporters marched in U.S. cities April 10 to protest proposed legislation that would turn millions of illegal immigrants into criminals and would fence off sections of the U.S. border with Mexico."

Okay, take the words highlighted in purple above and replace them with:

Tax evaders
Child Molesters
Drunk Drivers

How can someone who is by classification a criminal be turned into a criminal by the enforcement of law's that existed before they began their illegal actions?

It is interesting that these people are called immigrants in the opening line. They are not immigrants. Immigrants are people who want to be a part of a culture. Show up at the consulate, apply for visas and go thru the same channels that were used for the millions of immigrants (Real Immigrants) who made this country what it is today... Good, bad or indifferent this country is a nation of immigrants... Legal Immigrants.

I'm not saying they should leave. I'm not saying they can't work here. I'm saying that if they are going to join the system they need to join the system. They need to pay taxes, social security and all the things that they intend on becoming benefactors of in the future. Social services need to be fully funded by them as well as by us.

Illegal is illegal. What part of that don't they ("they" meaning the press, not the tresspassers)understand?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Consider the Ant

Unbound Bible:

I have decided that when I open my mouth sometimes i misspeak. So... here are some words to live by that I didn't write:

Proverbs Chapter 6

6. "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
7. Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
8. Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest."

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Satan and the Old Man

Satan and the Old Man
Just minutes before the church services started the towns people were sitting in their pews and talking. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church.
Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate.
Soon everyone had exited the church except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his pew without moving, seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence.
So Satan walked up to the old man and said,
"Don't you know who I am?
The man replied, "Yep, sure do."
"Aren't you afraid of me?" Satan asked.
"Nope, sure ain't" said the man.
"Don't you realize I can kill you with a word?" asked Satan.
"Don't doubt it for a minute," returned the old man, in an even tone.
"Did you know that I could cause you profound, horrifying, physical agony forever?"
"Yep," was the calm reply.
"And you're still not afraid?" asked Satan.
More than a little perturbed, Satan asked, "Well, why aren't you afraid of me?"
The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for 45 years."

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hillary Clinton: I'm No Marie Antoinette

Hillary Clinton: I'm No Marie Antoinette: "Hillary Clinton: I'm No Marie Antoinette"

This is the same woman who proclaimed that she was no "Loretta Lynn, stand by your man," kind of woman. And then, of course she did just that. Stood by her man.

Then she says Marie Antionette was accused of many things she didnt do... Blah, blah, blah. In the end she lost her head.

Well? I wonder if we could be so lucky as to get a repeat. She said she was no "Loretta Lynn, stand by your man," kinda woman but she was and now no Marie Antionette who lost her head...

Maybe just maybe, she is.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

New York's First Mad Cow Disease Finding

New York has reported its first case of Mad Cow disease!! New Yorkers will try and go about their daily lives as the reports of Mad Cow start to snowball! The Mad Cow has reared its head and may be here to stay. Up to this point I did not fear Mad Cow disease. This photo makes it abundantly clear that New Yorkers are all in immediate grave danger.

This is a very serious and dangerous disease! Please, pass this along. Warn Your Friends about this danger before its too late.

Friday, March 17, 2006

S.C. Police Search for Dungeon Rape Suspect

Go ahead and tell the truth. S.C. police are searching for a predator who had been caught, convicted and incarcerated until some liberal crackpots parolled him. - U.S. & World News - S.C. Police Search for Dungeon Rape Suspect: "The two 17-year-olds were abducted and assaulted in a room under a shed on Hinson's property, Darlington County Chief Deputy Tom Gainey said. The girls were left bound but managed to free themselves. Gainey said they opened the trap door in the floor and kick down the shed's door.

Hinson, who was convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl in 1991, is wanted on kidnapping and criminal sexual conduct charges. There have been no confirmed sightings of him and no confirmed contact with any of his family in the area, Gainey said Friday."

Here we go again. What are we thinking in our Criminal Justice system? Sexual predators DO NOT reform. They never stop what they are doing and they cannot be fixed. The sexual urge is at the very seat of the human psyche.

I think it is time that the judges and parole boards who fail to sentence and release these extreme criminals should be held criminally liable. Lately in the news we have had two jusges who just refused to make the comensurate sentence for dangerous sex offenders.

If a person in my family was victim to one of these predators those judges would have short lives. Is that extreme? I wonder how much time I would get for that? I wonder if another judge would stick it to me for that. Interesting. Maybe somehow I could whack the judge but still get his weak mindedness to do the sentencing.

Please! Please do no go out and shoot judges and say that I encouraged you to do it. Most of them are respectable and of high integrity. Maybe they can police their corps from within before somone else decides to do it their own way.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Inmates are Running the Asylum

The biggest issue I see with the Oscars and with the last few years of movies and entertainment in general is the huge gap in culture that exists in the Hollywood crowd and the average citizen. In order to be entertained by some medium whether it be music or a movie or a simple work of art there has to be some cultural connection, some identification with some thing or some emotion that the person can relate to.

It’s like going to a foreign film where a really clever dubbing job has been done. The culture, personalities and belief systems of the characters are so foreign that the average viewer can not and doesn’t want to identify with them. There has always been a small group, who love foreign films, I happen to be one of those people. But… The main stream just doesn’t get it and it isn’t willing to go to the trouble of paying attention enough to get it when they can’t speak the language of the film. They may have been speaking English in Broke Back Mountain, Syriana and Crash but it was from a perspective that most people just don’t get.

Look at these movies. Crash was actually a pretty good movie. If you dropped 150 of the 182 expletives I would have agreed with the award in part. Syriana was full of gratuitous violence and the cast didn’t need it to support the plot line. George Clooney can carry off any part; he doesn’t need all the gore to make a hit. Broke Back Mountain was a movie that portrays and was marketed to about 10 to 12 percent of the population. The problem with the movie was not that the leads were gay. The problem with the movie is that it was about the fact that they were gay. There have been many wonderful movies with gay characters and gay leads that were in a movie about something happening. Philadelphia comes to mind as a striking example of a movie where the leading man and his lover were gay but there was a human drama going on around them that was the theme of the movie. People could identify with that.

The image I keep getting of Hollywood is a group of people standing around drooling and pissing on themselves while more drooling pissing idiots come and pat them on the back for drooling and pissing. Then our dutiful media just keeps patting those congratulatory idiots and pondering why the rest of us just don’t care.

The inmates are truly running the asylum.


Monday, March 06, 2006 - We THE People Awards - FOX Fan - Father Jonathan - An Open Letter to Hollywood: "That's why I'm announcing today the first annual We the People awards. There's only one criterion: whether audiences actually wanted to go see the movies. Revolutionary! Drum roll, please the We the People (WTP) award winners for this year are:
1 Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith: $380 million gross (1st place for the year), 1 nomination
2 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: $288 million (2nd place for the year), 1 nomination
3 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: $288 million (3rd place for the year), 3 nominations
4 War of the Worlds: $234 million (4th place for the year), 3 nominations
Oh, look, I think I see a pattern. None of these movies glorifies homosexuality ('Brokeback,' 'Capote'), squeezes in 182 expletives ('Crash'), bashes McCarthyism ('Good Night') and America in general ('Syriana' 2 nominations) or features subject matter unmentionable in this column ('Geisha,' 'Transamerica' 2 nominations). In a word, none of them is propaganda. Maybe that's why we wanted to go see them.
So it's agreed, thenyou have your awards ceremony and we'll have ours."

Father Jonathan nails it again. All the awards did this year was reward trash for making trash that they couldnt get the people to go and see with all the hype and hooplah that Hollywood has to offer. Go and read the rest of this article... Very well said.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

New Orleans T-Shirts

It sure is good to see somoene blaming someone besides W for all their woes. You have a report that just came out blaming the presidential administration for a huricane. That is just plain stupid. Why not blame the weather... Hello! Here is some New Orleans humor, humor the New Orleans way.


The Poor folks who stayed or at least want people to think they stayed have their own humor. Or is it possible that they are poking fun at idiots who stayed and believe they are entitled to TVs and new shoes because W didnt stop the huricane?


The next two are the ones i like most. They place the blame on the only human beings that should shoulder any of the blame. Ray Nagin who parked the evacuation busses in the lowest lying area of the city, Blanco who refused W's help till a day and a half after the storm was over and lastly... I have no idea who that guy is.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Father Jonathan - Some Things Are Sacred

Father Jonathan - Some Things Are Sacred: "Muslims rightly claim that the cartoonists crossed the line of freedom of speech into blatant disrespect. But burning down embassies also crosses the line of freedom of speech into blatant criminality."

I couldn't have said that better. Can you imagine what will happen when Iran has Nukes and someone makes an offensice cartoon of them?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Left's Chorus Grows for Bush Impeachment - Politics News - Left's Chorus Grows for Bush Impeachment: "'If a president's untruthfulness about sexual relationships is an impeachable offense, then surely spying on American citizens, undermining the Constitution and contravening current standing law are impeachable offenses,' Waters said comparing Bush's alleged crimes to ones former President Clinton was tried for."

This is why the left is finished in this country. They still can't accept the fact that Bill Clinton was impeached for purgery, not for getting a blow job. Bill Clinton used the exact same Presidential Powers to tap phones of domestic calls that had nothing to do with terror or anything illegal he just liked to listen in on his enemies. W is not going to be impeached. The Left is a thing of the past. Someone please tell the corpse he is dead.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Oprah Tears into Frey over "Pieces" - Yahoo! News

Oprah Tears into Frey over "Pieces" - Yahoo! News: "As the accusations against him continued to build, Frey appeared on Larry King Live earlier this month in an effort to defend himself and his book. During the interview, King took an on-air phone call from Winfrey, who had not yet spoken publicly about the controversy.
Taking a stance that likely relieved the embattled author, Winfrey dismissed the Smoking Gun's findings as 'irrelevant,' and called the resulting backlash against Frey 'much ado about nothing.'
'What is relevant is that he was a drug addict who spent years in turmoil, from the time he was 10 years old, drinking and--and tormenting himself and his parents,' Winfrey said at the time.
'And out of that, stepped out of that history to be the man that he is today, and to take that message to save other people and allow them to save themselves. That's what's important about this book and his story.'
On Thursday, Winfrey had changed her tune, telling Frey she felt he 'betrayed millions of readers' with his lies and that she regretted calling into King's show to express her support, especially after receiving harsh criticism from viewers disenchanted by her dismissive attitude toward Frey's fabrications.
'I made a mistake and I left the impression that the truth does not matter,' Winfrey said. 'And I am deeply sorry. Because that is not what I believe.'
In the face of Winfrey's angry interrogation, Frey admitted that the Smoking Gun's version of events 'was pretty accurate,' and even said the site 'did a good job' in exposing his lies."

To me Frey's book is a lot like The Bible. If you read it as an account of actual historical events you may come away with some doubts and delusions. But if you read it as a reference to a life that was broken and a man who managed somehow get it right you can learn some valuable lessons.

Please don't take that as a slam to The Bible.

Also remember that Frey was a drug addict. I have a person in my life who is very dear to me. As close a relation as life can bring to you and that person has related to me after years as an addict the they really cannot remember if some of the things that have been recounted are real or if they were objects of drug induced paranoia and halucinations.

Drug addicts are liars. Years after their addiction they may rid themselves of this quality but I can tell you from great experience that you can never take the word of an addict. They may not even know that they are lieing. They can be recounting halucinations of predatory spiders and spies that are after them and they honest to God believe that they are telling you the truth.

Lies are one of the first skills that an addict aquires in order to toss their life into this turmoil that destroys so many people. Once they start to see the truth about the drug, their own lives and themselves thast when they either check out or attempt recovery. All too often they cash their check and go down as another statistic.

Take it easy on Frey. He managed to survive something that most of his former peers never do. So what if he embellished the truth and even lied a bit. Look at the book and its possible good effects on addicts and those close to them who may read the book and benefit from it.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Ted Kennedy Love Child Quiz

Great Stuff here. Go to this guys site and read and donate and do all that fun stuff.

IMAO: "The 'Are You A Ted Kennedy Love Child?' Quiz.
Read More

Think back to your childhood and answer these questions honestly.
1. When you sat on the cool, cool grass in your backyard, looking up at the night sky, what did you ask yourself?
A. What makes the stars shine?
B. Is the moon made out of cheese?
C. Is Roe V. Wade really settled law.

2. When I was growing up, I longed to join:
A. The Boy Scouts
B. The circus
C. The local union

3. Late at night, when the house was quiet and I was still awake, my greatest fear was:
A. A burglar
B. Monsters in the closet
C. Wal-Mart

4. When snuggled up by the fireplace and reading a good childrens' book, my favorite drink was:
A. Hot Cocoa
B. Apple Juice
C. Beer

5. My favorite childhood toy was:
A. My race car
B. My choo-train
C. My Beer

6. Elmo was my favorite stuffed toy because
A. I liked Sesame Street
B. Elmo was cute and cuddly
C. Elmo was chosen through affirmative action

7. My favorite action figure was:
A. G.I. Joe
B. Superman
C. Jimmy Carter

8. When mommy and daddy talked about the upcoming family reunion, they were talking about going to:
A. A restaurant where we'd sit in a big banquet room
B. Picnics in the park on Sunday.
C. A rape trial

9. When my family asks me, What does it mean to enunciate? I answer:
A. Separate each syllable as best I can
B. Speak slowly and clearly
C. wha jyou meeeen I huvhuvhub to shssssssssssspk anan an whu?

10. Growing up I always wanted to be:
A. G.I. Joe
B. Superman
C. Jimmy Carter

How do you feel you did? Well, around here we ain't Democrats so we're going to actually have to COUNT the points.

Scoring:1 point for each A answer2 points for each B answer.3 points for each C answer.
10-12 points. It’s pretty safe that you aren’t Ted Kennedy’s kid. I’d say you had a typical childhood.
13-20 points. Probably not a Love Child, but it wouldn’t hurt you to get a little bit of therapy on the side.
21 – 28 points. You might consider getting tested. Consider collecting some Teddy saliva for DNA testing. If he won’t give it to you, go to his next speech and try to sit in the first three rows.
30 points. I’m sorry but jyou meeeen I huvhuvhub to shssssssssssspk anan an whu? :: Columns :: God and New Orleans by Linda Chavez - Jan 18, 2006

Linda Chavez has nailed it on this one. :: Columns :: God and New Orleans by Linda Chavez - Jan 18, 2006: "So why is it that New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin -- whose comments I've paraphrased above, substituting 'vanilla' for 'chocolate' and Salt Lake City for New Orleans -- can get away with such blatantly racist claptrap? Most major newspapers buried the mayor's comments, if they reported them at all, and those national news programs that played them did so largely without commentary. I can't imagine a white mayor praising the racial purity of a white community getting similar treatment. "

I'm sorry and I hate to be blatantly dense on such an easy subject but why is it that it is perfectly OK for a black political leader to be openly racist? He gets no criticism and no calls for his resignation. A "European American" can elude to the fact that African Americans(a term i still dont understand) has darker skin and they will be summarily executed by the press. How about some equal treatment. Maybe that's it. Equality I mean. What a concept if it were just applied... equally.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program

ACLU Sues to Stop Domestic Spying Program - Yahoo! News: "NEW YORK - Civil liberties groups filed lawsuits in two cities Tuesday seeking to block President Bush's domestic eavesdropping program, arguing the electronic surveillance of American citizens was unconstitutional."

I'm not sure why the ACLU doesn't understand that your constitutional rights end when you exit the borders governed by that document.

I was traveling in England with an attorney friend when the police told us we had to leave a certain area. We probably had no business there in the first place and I was very willing to comply but my ACLU member card carrying attorney friend began to question the Bobbies based on his constitutional rights.

They then shoved him to the ground, handcuffed him and explained to him that he was in the soveriegn country of Great Britain and that he had no U.S. Constitutional rights.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Gun Control, Iraq and Washington DC

If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 per annum.

The rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000.That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.Conclusion:

We should immediately pull out of Washington D.C.

anonymous author